by Stefan Bielinski Wouter Albertse Van Den Uythoff was an emigre to New Netherland and the husband of widow Elizabeth Hendrix Lansing. by the mid-1650s, he was a widower with at least one child of his own when he married Elizabeth Lansing. He was a baker in Beverwyck and then Albany for the remainder of the century. He was a longtime member and supporter of the Albany Dutch church. In 1658, he purchased a house and lot from fellow baker Jochem Wesselse - although subsequent court actions were required for Wesselse to secure payment. In 1660, he was among the fur traders who petitioned for more liberal trading policies. Over the years, he occasionally appeared before the Albany court as principal, witness, attorney, mediator, and juror. He also bought and sold real estate in Albany. In April 1676, the Albany court called him "Wouter de Backer" when it appointed him a carman. In June 1678, Wouter Albertse and Elizabeth Hendrix filed a joint will. It named his six step-children. A year later, his home was included on a census of Albany householders. In 1697, Wouter and Elizabeth were alone in their second ward home. In July 1699, Wouter Albertse was identified in the city records as the deceased husband of Elizabeth Hendrix. In that year, he joined in swearing allegiance to the king of England. After 1699, his name dropped community rolls. notes Sources: The life of Wouter Albertse Van Den Uythoff is CAP biography number 5669. His name has appeared in the record spelled many ways. We have adopted this spelling for consistency. This profile is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources. Will ERA 3:450-51. first posted: 1/15/04 |