Albany Households - March 1679
"A List of the persons who are to keep in repair
the posts set around the town fence beginning
at the gate opposite the new fort, northwards, and so back to the said gate,
1. Mr. Marte Gerritse..........3 rods
2. Annetie Goosens..........5.5
3. Dirk Wessells..........3.5
4. Myndert Harmense..........3.5
5. Johannes
6. Pr. Soo gemackelyk...........1
7. Wouter Albertse
8. Gerrit Lansing...........2.5
9. Dirk Hesselingh..........1
10. Jurian Groenwout..........2
11. Geertruy Vosburgh..........2
12. Jan Nack...........1
13. Jan Janse Bleeker...........3.5
14. Luycas Gerritse...........2
15. Abraham
Van Tricht...........2
16. Dirk Albertse
17. Myndert Frederickse..........3
18. Gerrit Hardenbergh.....5
19. Jan
20. Frederick Phillipse
21. Robt. Sanderse...........4
22. Omy de la Grangie...........3
23. Gerrit van
24. Thom. de
La Vall..........2
25. Claes
van Rotterdam...........2
26. Jan Gaw...........2
27. Teunis de Metselaer...........2
28. Barent Myndertse...........2
29. Jan Ouderkerk............2
30. Evert Wendel
31. Hans Heyndrix...........4
32. Jan Hendrix
33. Claes Ripse van
34. Martin Criger...........3
35. David
36. Pr. Lokermans...........2
37. Jacob Abrahamse..........2
38. Jan Andriese...........2 [ not the Irishman]
39. Juffr. Maria van Rensselaer..........3
40. Jan Byvank..........3.5
41. Jan de Backer...........1
42. Jacob van
43. Jacob van
44. Jochim Ketelheyn...........1
45. Symon Volkertse..........1
46. Hend. Bries...........2.5
47. Adriaen Ilpendam..........1
48. Tackel Dirkse..........1
49. Paulus Martense..........1
50. Leendert Phillipse..........1
51. Pieter Meusen...........3
52. Albert Rykman..........2.5
53. Jan Salomonse..........1.5
54. Harme Gansevoort..........2
55. Harme Janse Weever..........1.5
56. Abraham Staets..........3
57. Johannes Rooseboom..........1
58. Gerrit Swart...........1
59. Gerrit van Ness...........3
60. Harme Thomase...........1
61. Mr. Saml.
62. Jan Trompetter..........3
63. Hend. Martense..........1.5
64. Jacob Voss..........1.5
65. Robert Gardiner
66. Willem Gysbertse...........1.5
67. Corn. Gysbertse..........1.5
68. James Penniman...........1.5
69. Jurian van Hoesen..........1
70. Ryck Claese..........1
71. Jan Harriss
72. Corns. Shelluyn..........1.5
73. Harme Burgers smitt...........2
74. Jacob ten Eyck...........2
75. Isaak Verplank..........1.5
76. Pieter Lassingh...........2.5
77. Zybrant
van Schayck...........2.5
78. Pr Schuyler...........2.5
79. Claes Janse Stavast ..........2
80. Joris Hethcoat...........2
81. Mr. Paterson...........1
82. Jan de Vries...........2.5
83. Gerrit Visbeek
84. Antho.
85. Tierk Harmense...........2
86. Jacob Staets...........1.5
87. Wm. Loveridge...........3.5
88. Wm Loveridge
89. Robert
Livingston Secr..........2
90. Mr. Ands.
91. Philip
Schuyler Capt..........6
92. Adriaen Gerritse...........4
93. Jacob Schermerhoorn...........3
94. Antho.
van Shayk..........2.5
95. Timothy Cooper............1.5
96. Pr. Bogardus...........1.5
97. Volkert Janse............2
98. Rich. Pretty..........2
99. Jan Becker...........1
100. Jan Albertse
101. Jacob van Noorstrant...........1
102. Harme Ruttgers...........3.6
103. Jochim Staets...........2.5
104. Jochim de
105. Ryer Schermerhooren...........3
106. Wm. Teller...........5
107. Maes Cornelise...........1.5
108. Jacob Tyse..........1.5
109. Lamt. van
110. Evert Wendel...........1
111. Frans Janse Pruyn...........
112. Storm vander Zee...........1.5
113. Gerrit Banker...........5.5
114. Jan Cloete..........5
115. Rutt Aertse ..........3
116. Mr. Corn. van Dyk..........3
117. Johannes Witthart..........3
118. Evert Janse Cuyper...........2.5
119. Hans Dreeper..........1
120. Jeronimus Wendell...........1.5
121. Aernout Corn.
122. Jacob Lokermans...........3.5
123. Johannes Provost...........2.5
124. Jurian Teunise
125. Teunis Slingerlant...........1
126. Hend. Gerritse..........1
127. Harme Bastiaense..........2
128. Robert Story..........4
129. Lawrence van
130. Evert Luycasse..........1
131. Johannes d'Wandelaer..........3
132. Jan Vinnaegen..........2.5
133. Hend. Lansingh...........2
134. Carsten Frederikse..........4
135. Gerrit van
136. Wynant vander
137. Melgert vander Poell..........2.5
138. Gabriel Thomase..........3.5
139. Hendrik Cuyler..........5
140. Brant Schuyler..........2.5
141. Harme Vedder...........1.5
142. Marritie Dame van Nesse..........2
143. Jacob Sanderse
 [total] rods.......................341.5
The following have not yet any lot:
Corn. Steenwyck ..........3 rods
Annetie Evertse ..........1
Hend. Rooseboom..........2
"The above list was made by the
constables, Johannes Wendell,
Jacob Sanders, and Gerrit
Lansing, and examined and approved by the honorable court and
is recorded in order that hereafter every one may regulate himself
accordingly. Actum in Albany, March 5, 1678/79."
This list of householders with the number
of rods of wooden stockade (palisaded fence) they were to be responsible
for was printed in Court Minutes of Albany,
vol 2, pp. 396-97. This survey document perhaps represents the earliest,
purportedly comprehensive listing of Albany's householders. Used with
the city census of 1697, the list of
householders helps lend demographic structure to the Albany community
during the last quarter of the 17th century. It also helps documents
the increasingly exclusive nature and also the decline of the fur
trade in Albany as perhaps a dozen of those with Albany houses in
1679 are best characterized as non resident traders from downriver
or New England. The Albany houses of New York City mayor Thomas
Delavall, Manhattan merchant Frederick Phillipse, and New Englander
Timothy Cooper are outstanding examples of that opportunism. However,
in 1697, except for the Schenectady refugees, none of the 174 householders listed would be classified as
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first posted 10/19/00; last updated 2/17/18