Loyalty Oath - 1699
[Document signed by 180 Albany
Albany the 4th day of January [1699].
The Mayor*, Hendrik Hanse Esq., Jan Janse Bleeker,
Rekorder, together with Jan Vinnagen and Albert Rykman, Aldermen,
did meet at ye Citty Hall, where
all ye Inhabitants of this Citty were appointed to appear and take
ye oaths and sign ye test and association, who accordingly came, ye
Oath being administered to them by Robert Livingston Esq., one of
his Majesties Councill of this Province. The Oaths which each respective
person took, and ye Test and Association which each respective person
signed are as follows:
The Oath.
I, A. B. do hereby Promise and Swear yt I will
be faithfull and bear true allegiance to his Majesty King William,
so help me God.
I, A. B. do swear that I do from my heart abhor,
detest and abjure as Impiuous and Hereticall, yt damnable Doctrine
and Position, yt Princes Excommunicated or Deprived by ye Pope or
any authority of ye See of Rome, may be deposed or murthered by
their subjects or any other whatsoever.
And I doe delcare yt no foreign Prince, Person,
Prelate, State or Potentate, hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction,
Power, Superiority, Preeminence or Authority, Ecclesiasticale or
Spirituall within this Realm. So help me God.
The Test
We underwritten do solomnly and sincerely, in
ye presence of God, profess and declare yt wee doe believe yt in
ye Sacrament of ye Lord's Supper there is not any transubstantiation
of ye Elements of Bread and Wine into ye body and blood of Christ,
or after ye Consecration thereof by any person whatsoever, and yt
ye Invocation or Adoration of ye Virgin Mary and ye Sacrifice of
ye Mass, as they are now used in ye Church of Rome, are Superstitious
and Idolatrous, and we do Solemnly in ye presence of God, Profess,
Testify and Declare, yt we do make this declaration and every part
thereof in ye plain and ordinary Sense of ye words now read unto
us as they are commonly understood by English Prodistants without
any Evasion, Equivocation or Mentall Reservation whatsoever, and
without any Dispensation already granted for yt ppurpose by ye Pope
or any other authority or person whatsoever, or without any hope
of any such Dispensation from any person or authority whatsoever,
or without thinking yt we are or can be acquitted before God or
Man, or absolved of this Declaration or any part thereof, although
ye Pope or any other person or persons or power whatsoever should
dispense with or annull ye same, or declare that it was null and
void from ye beginning.
The Association
Whereas there has been a horrid and detestable
conspiracy formed and carried on by Papists and other wicked and
trayterous persons for Assassinating his Majesties Royal Person
in order to Incourage an Invasion from ffrance to Subvert our Religion,
Laws and Liberties, we whose names are underwritten do heartily,
sincerely and solemnly profess, testify and declare yt his present
Majesty King William is rightful and lawful king of these Realms,
and we do mutually promise and engage to stand by and assist each
other to ye utmost of our power in ye Support and Defence of his
Majesties most sacred person and government against ye late King
James ye pretended Prince of Wales and all theire adherents, and
in case his Majesty come to any violent or untimely death (which
God forbidd) we do hereby freely and unanimously oblige ourselves
to unite, associate, and stand by each other in Revenging ye same
upon his enemies and all their adherents, and in ye supporting and
defending ye succession of ye Crown according to an act made in
ye first year of ye Reign of King William and Queen Mary, intituled
an act declaring ye Rights and Liberties of ye Subjects, and settling
ye succession of ye Crown.
Hendrik Hanse,
Jan Janse Bleeker,
Joh. Schuyler, aldrman
Hend. Rensselaer,
Albert Ryckman,
Jan Vinhagen,
Joh. Cuyler,
Wessel ten Broek,
Evert Wendell,
Jacobus Turck,
Joh. Bleeker, assistant
Joh. Mingaell,
Hend. Oothoudt,
Barendt Bradt
van Schuyleuyn
Hend. van Dyck
Dirck Vanderheyden
Pr Schuyler
Robt. Livingston
Dirck Wessels, Junior
Joh. Groenendyck,
G. Dellius,
V. D. M.
Gerrit Van Ness
Joh. Livingston, D. C.
James Parker
Volckert van Hoese
Johannes Luykasse
Joh. Becker
Rener Myndersse
Rutt Melgertse
Joh. Hanse
Lendert Philipse
Harmanus Wendell
Jan van Streyen
John Gilbert
Abram Provost
Wouter Albertsen
Abraham Staats
Gerrit Ryckesn
Johannes Pruyn
Abraham Van Deusen
Samuel Ten Broeck
Lieve Winne
Claes Vondae
Joh. Vinhagen
Philip Schuyler
Jan Cornelise
Jan Lansingh
Andries Nach
Evert Wendell
Geysebert Marcelles
Jan Jansz Goes
Jan van Ness
Jacob Staets
Nanning Harmense
Barent ten Eyck
Thomas Millenton
Johannes Appell
Anthony Bries
David Schuyler
Robert Livingston, Jun.
Abraham Lansingh
Elbert Gerritse
Joseph Jansen
Jacob Gerretsen
Gerret Luychessen
Hend. Lansingh
Mattyes Nack
William Ketellen
Johannes Teller
Wouter Quackenbos
Jan Nack
Warner Karstense
Jan Radcliffe
Philip Wendell
William von
Nicholaes Bleeker
Thomas Winne
Reyer Gerritse
Harmen Ryckman
Johanathan Breadust
Jacob Lansingh
Evert Wendell
Jelles van Voiste
Albert Ryckman Jun.
Cornelis Schermerhorn
Thomas Harmensse
Daniel Bratt
Arie Oothout
Wouter vander Zee
Dirck Jansez Goes but [NA]
Cornelis van
Geurt Hendrikse
Claes Luykasse
Cornelis Willemse
Richard Bignell [NA]
Peter Mingael
Abraham Kip
George Ingoldesby
William Jacobse
Benony van Corlaer
Thomas Williams
William Hogen
Anthony Bratt
Hend. Roseboom
Claes Ripsen
van Dam
Abraham Verplanck
Naes Cornelissen
Daniel Keteluyn
Tackell Dircks
Haerpert Jacobse
Willem Holle
John Caer
Jan Gerritsen
Dirck Tackelsen
Jacob Lansing
Joh. Myndertse
Pieter Bogardus
Willem Groesbeek
Isack Kasperse
France Winne
Anthony Coster
Hend. Lansingh
Joh. Quackenbos
Hend. ten Eyck
Pieter van Wogelen
Melgert van der
Poel Jun.
Dirck Bratt
Abr. Janse Ayesteyn
Koenraet Hooghteeling
Roeloff Gerritse
William van Ness
David Keteleyn
Wynant Willemse
Elbert Harmense
van Schayeck
Evert Banker
Joh. Roseboom
Isaac ver
Melgert van der
Philip de Foreest
John Cidney
Gerrit Lansingh
Andries Douw
Abraham Cuyler
Goose Van Schayck
John Fyne
Joh. Jacobsen
Jacobus Luykase
Jacob Lockermans
Claes Jacobse
Casper van Hoesen
Poules Martense
Frederick Mindertse
Jacob Bogardt
Thomas Wendell
Luyckas Luyckasse
Jan Salomoensse
Gideon Schaats
Harmen Thomasen
Asweres Marselles
Jacobus van
Joh. Oothoudt
Jurian Franse Claw
Ph. Lenderts Conyn
Eghbert Teunise
Johannes Bratt
William Gysbertse
Myndert Rooseboom
Jan Rosie
These are those of ye Citty yt have signed ye Test and Association.
Now follows those of Shennechtady.
[Following lists of the names of subscribers from elsewhere in Albany
County is the statement:]
Wee doe hereby Certify and Declare that the above
Subscribers to the Test being all the Male Inhavitants of ye Citty
of Albany from ye age of sixteen years and upwards, consisting of
one hundred and eighty men have taken ye Oaths established by act
of Parliament, in England, instead of ye oaths of allegiance and
supremacy which were tendered and administered by us pursuant to
his Excellency the Earl of Bellomont's Proclamation, and yt they
have also signed the Association, none of ye Inhabitants refusing
ye same except two Papists, called Frans
Pruyn a Taylor, and Peter
Villeroy a Frenchman, Laborer, who by reasons of their Perswasion
could not take ye same, but will willing to take an oath of fidelity
to his Majesty King William, only some few have neglected to appear
at ye time prefixed to take ye oaths and subscribe ye test and association,
but shall tender and administer ye same before ye time be expired
mentioned in ye said Proclamation. Whereof we doe by these presents
make this our Return to the Secretary's office at New York, in witness
whereof we have hereunto sett our hands and scales in Albany this
16 of January, 1699.
Printed in Annals
of Albany 3:273-77. Noted in the "Albany City Records, vol.
IV, 362." Transcribed from the printed version. Spelling and punctuation
have been retained! The entire countywide list has been transformed and appears online via Google books.
"Dirck Wessels Junior" must refer to Dirck
Wesselse Ten Broeck," the only adult of that name alive at the time.
Dominie Gideon
Schaets died in 1694.
Lists: Survey lists
like this one help us define the community mainline.
With 180 names, it compares closely with the 174 names on the census
of Albany householders taken in 1697.
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first posted 2/11/03; last updated 12/11/14