Will of Claes J. Van Bockhoven - 1699

In the name of God, Amen, the 11 January, 1698/99. I Claas J. Van Bockhoven of the village of Schenectady, in the County of Albany. I leave to Arent Andriese Bratt, son of Andres Bratt, deceased, son of my well beloved wife, Cathalyntie Andriese De Vass, the sum of £5, which he is to have upon his grand mother’s decease, and not before.

I leave to Cathalyntie Claas, daughter of my wife’s eldest daughter, Affie, wife of Claas Van Pelt (who is lately married with Dirck Teunisses son Teunis), a gold ring for her finger which she is to have after my wife’s decease. I leave to Maritie, the eldest daughter of Jan Botman (probably Pootman), a gold ring. To Catalyntie, the eldest daughter of my wife’s daughter Ariantie a cow. To the eldest daughters of Samuel and Dirck £5. To the poor of the city of Albany, £5.

Freedom is given to certain negro slaves, and they are to have the use of six Morgen of woodland, lying by the land of Jan Mangelse at Canastigone.

I leave all the rest of my estate to my wife Catalyntie Andries De Vass, that is to say my farm, situate, lying and being on the north side of Magnos River, at Canastigione, between the land of Jan Mangelse, and the land of Jan Litree, and my lot of land on the south side of Canastigione River, and on the east side of Marte Cregier’s also my house and lot in Albany, between the house and lot of Jan Van Loon, and all household goods.

And after her death I leave all the aforesaid lands and goods to the six children of my said wife and their children, namely, the children of Andries Bratt, Samuel Bratt, Affie, wife of Claas Van Pelt; Ariantie, wife of Ryer Schermerhorn, the children of Cornelius Bratt, formerly wife of Jan Pootman.

I appoint my wife executor, and Ryer Jacobs Schermerhorn, and Dirck Arent Bratt, overseers.

Witnesses, Hendrick Hansen, Isaac von Plak, Johanes Beekman.

Codicil. The testator and his wife annul a certain document, giving certain land to Dirck Bratt. Proved, April 3, 1712.


Will dated January 11, 1699. Probated April 3, 1712. Printed in Abstract of Wills volume 26, pp. 85-86.

Transformed by JP

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