Johannes M. Roseboom


Johannes M. Roseboom was born in January 1716. He was the last child born to the marriage of Myndert and Maria Vinhagen Roseboom. To prevent confusion, he was known pretty consistently as "Johannes M. Roseboom." He grew up in a modest home near "Roseboom's Gate" in the second ward but lost his father in 1722. His mother survived until 1760 when Johannes arranged for her burial. Several of his siblings also became prominent Albany residents.

His wife was Albany native Eva Marselis - daughter of an alderman. Their marriage appears to have been childless. They occasionally witnessed baptisms at the Albany Dutch church.

In 1743, he was appointed constable for the second ward. Following his mother's death in 1760, he appears to have become head of an Albany household. Assessment rolls for the 1760s and 1770s taxed his third ward holdings substantially. In 1763, his name appeared on a list of Albany freeholders.

In March 1779, John R. Roseboom's Market Street house and personal property were valued substantially. Other city parcels for "John Roseboom" were also assessed but several same-named individuals appear at risk at that time.

Calling him "my friend," Domine Westerlo was moved to note that, in April 1783, "Johannes M. Roseboom died of the stone, in the Lord, I hope." Westerlo then prayed for Roseboom's widow. In 1786, Eva's name appeared on a list of subscribers for the Dutch church. In 1790, she was identified as the head of a third ward household.

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Johannes M. Roseboom is CAP biography number 1927. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

first posted: 7/10/07; updated 2/15/12