Will of - Johannes Roseboom 1737 Roseboom, Johannis. Albany. Will; Bequeaths property in Albany, Schenectady and along the Mohawk; Names as heirs wife Gerritie; sons Henderyck, Gerrit, Johannis; daughters Gertruy, Margariet Bleecker, Anna Van Schayck; Jurian Hoogen, Derrick Wesselse, Benjamin Egbartz, Glocham Lansing, Johannis E. Wendell, Nicholas Bleecker jr. (son in law). D.S. November 14, 1737. 3p. 12.75 x 8 in. In Dutch. notes Not found in Calendar of Wills or Abstracts of Wills. Transformed from online calendar by SB Home | Site Index | Navigation | Email | New York State Museum privately posted: 3/10/08 |