Hendrickie Van Ness Oothout


Hendrickie Van Ness appears to have been born after 1630. She was the daughter of New Netherland pioneer Cornelis Van Ness and one of his two wives. She grew up on her father's farm and brewery in Greenbush.

By the 1650s, she had married Jan Janse Oothout, her father's brewing partner. The marriage produced at least six children - the last of whom was twelve years old in 1688. Thus, Hendrickie most likely still was alive until at least 1676.

In March 1688, Jan Janse filed a will. It named and provided for six living children - including the son aged twelve. However, a wife was not named in the will and probably was dead by that time.

Hendrickie Van Ness Oothout was the matriarch of the Albany Oothout family.

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Hendrickie Van Ness Oothout is CAP biography number 919. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

first posted: 10/15/11