To our users/readers/browsers/viewers: Regrettably, you have been directed here because we have not been able to move forward on a particular biography given the resources available at this time. This condition has occurred as a historical character obviously (or otherwise) within the criteria for inclusion has so far (but not totally) eluded our overall research effort and also our sweep of Internet-based resources as of the date given on the bottom of the particular biographical profile. In other words, the individual is officially "indefinable" or seriously compromised - biographically speaking! That means, too many essential questions still remain unanswered. However, in each case, we have shared what we know about an individual's life BUT do not feel that we can make appreciable progress at this time. Thus, we must move on as many many more historical characters await attention. A number (we are not saying how many - but it is too many) of the people of colonial Albany have been placed in this category and yet posted online. They have not been listed under the "New Features" calendar of items added. Eventually, all will be tagged with a link to this page. One: Within our development of lifecourse biographies for the people of colonial Albany, the modifying term "one" has been used to state that we have not been able to define the subject demographically. Typically, it refers to a spouse who married a person who who fits our inclusion criteria and who was not born in Albany. We have retained the spelling of that person's name as it appears in the source. Beginning in 2015, we have tried to qualify our inclusion of the subject by here stating that we do not have a clue as to his/her origins. We will retrofit existing offerings during their "normal" revision. We apologize for this predicament/situation/condition and are hopeful that we may move ahead on this particular part of the early Albany community mosaic before too long! Comments on this/these tactic are appreciated! notes Of course, this page is to be considered in-progress and hopefully will make more sense in the future. Home | Site Index | Navigation | Email | New York State Museum first posted 6/10/10; last revised 9/10/17 |