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Jim and Marilyn Geiger

Jim Geiger worked for Tradeweb, an online trading company, which had offices on the 51st floor of the North Tower (Tower 1) of the World Trade Center. He and his wife live in Rye Brook, New York. The interview discusses Jim's experiences inside the building at the time of the first plane crash and his evacuation from the North Tower. Marilyn Geiger recounts her experiences as she watched the events of September 11, 2001, unfold from their home.

Jim and Marilyn Geiger Interview Part 1

Jim and Marilyn Geiger Interview Part 2

Jim and Marilyn Geiger Interview Part 3

Jim and Marilyn Geiger Interview Part 4

Transcripts & Audio files:
Part 1: Transcript | MP3
Part 2: Transcript | MP3
Part 3: Transcript | MP3
Part 4: Transcript | MP3