[Jim] What-what we had on us when you asked the question of what we had on us some of us had our blackberries, our-our portable internet connection devices, and one of the interesting things about our-our company is the blackberries worked basically up until ten minutes after ten that morning. In fact, we, we're a trading company, and thousands of-of institutions all over the country go through our network to trade. As long as the computers were operating, the network was operating even though we weren't there. We did trades up until like a minute before the building collapsed to give you some idea of how the thing was up, the electricity was on, the computers were working. Ah, people and customers were putting trades through, which is kind of strange-they, that people were focusing on doing-trying to get business done right-right until the-the building collapsed. [Jim] Let's get back the story, on the way down we-we progressed gradu-slowly we were very lucky in that we were coming down with our twenty five of us, and we all provided tremend-enormous support. There were a lot of, ah, other firms' individuals, who were panicking, and guys trying to jump ahead, and, you know, push people over, and, could have been a panic situation, but with the strength of twenty-five of us they, we calmed other, other firms' peoples... on-we're going to get out of this-just try calm the situation down knowing-knowing full well that-What else what are you going to do? We can be stampeded, we'll, we'll never get out, but you know so... [Jim] What-what took place around at I guess the 30th-we-we would occasionally come to a complete stop grad-eventually, we were told just to a single file on the right hand side of, of the, ah, stairwell and they started to take people down take people down from above us an interesting story there was a blind man with a dog who I think has gotten reported on, who was, you know his-his German Shepherd and this fellow that just you know gradually working their way down with a colleague holding the guy's arm, and then we saw this woman, who I guess I read about afterwards who had worked for Cantor Fitzgerald I think, who had gotten who was gotten on the elevator on the ah 7-whatever-whatever the next step, you had 44 and 77. So she, ah, the elevator door opened for her on 77 into a wall of flame I guess you guys know the story and she just said its the elevator or go through the wall of flame, and she just dove through the wall of flame and then the elevator collapsed, so she-she-she came down by us from a scene that looked like she had just been an extra in a in a disaster movie I ah hard to you could every piece of her clothing was shredded to smithereens; her hair was smoking, I mean that's how the kind of condition she was in, and thankfully she you know away from the trauma, obviously, she survived she came down so that point we you know it was a serious enough issue. [Jim] But as so we were talking about, we had these blackberries, and so...so uh one of my colleagues was back with... My wife spends all her time on the internet so she could see; she was getting the e-mails back and forth. [Marylin] But I didn't-It never occurred to me that he would be e-mailing me. My s-I didn't-I was-I. I work from home I was doing a project on the internet I wasn't looking at the news My son who goes to college in Maine called me at 5 after 9 and said Mom have you seen what's going on at the World Trade Center? I said what He said a plane hit it. And I said oh alright Bill you know it's two big buildings, let me see what's going on, relax, let me call you back. I go and turn on the television set, um, and I watched and Joanne my-a girlfriend of mine who was obviously also watching the news she called and she said you're home, Marilyn, you're alright? And I said it's alright and she calmed down and then I guess I was watching television when the second plane hit. And that was first reported and that's when I started to have-panic-I just-I just didn't think...I mean I just what are the odds that you know he was hit. And the stupidest things is that I was sitting here with the cordless telephone in my hand watching the television waiting for you to call. I called Tradeweb the phone would ring and ring there was no answer. I called your cell phone went through voice mail. It never occurred to me to go to the computer and that you might be e-mailing me. It's just not the communication mode I expected at this time. But at one point I finally did go up there and I-there was a message from him from you at about was it 9:30 maybe that said, ÒOn my way down Ð On our way down.Ó And then there was another message. I responded to that message and told you what was - you didn't I didn't realize that you had no information. [Jim] Right so when we got - Know we realize-We realized when we when you told us that the other building was hit and there were rumors around that the Sears Tower was hit and that the Pentagon was hit and you know that there was a myriad of different but we definitely knew that the other building was hit at this time we're moving over to one lane and the firemen were starting to work their way up the building and interesting that one of the fireman, uhh, overheard us talking about Again, you had plenty of time to discuss this cause we're not moving, it's like one step so you overheard me say that the other building was hit-so he takes me... [Marylin] The first time you found out the other building was hit was when I e-mailed you that? [Jim] Yeah, well we had no way of knowing-So he takes me aside and he says not everybody here knows this ok, just don't talk about this any more ok? Do the best you can you-you don't have to talk about it. So, uh, you know we-we-we were all aware of the extent of the serious situation, but you know and we're doing the best we can to get out. But it's an agonizing one step of a time a couple minutes for each floor. It's really taking a long time. Um, and we start to see these incredible fire guys coming up fighting the fire and I told Marilyn this a million times how ridiculously archaic their attempt to fight this fire is in retrospect. I mean, again they're responding as their job is to respond, but it's a supersonic airplane smashes into the building. I mean these guys were climbing up with axes in their hands and-and the difficulties, carrying what looked like 100 200 lb oxygen tanks on their back. [Jim] So you know again progressing down and down. One of the still mysteries for me, and I don't know how to find this out is that there was a young guy from a firm, not from our firm, he was behind us, he couldn't take seeing the agony on the face of these fire guys you know I mean he's a 25 year old kid, so he's a, looks at this 45 year old Irish guy, ya know, Irish fire guy, ya know, he's carrying stuff, he says, ÒListen buddy let me give you a hand.Ó He [the firefighter] goes, ÒNo, no, no, no.Ó [The ÒkidÓ] ÒBuddy let me give you a hand,Ó you know, Òif you want to.Ó The guy straps on his oxygen tank on his back and he goes straight back up. He goes up. I have no idea where he's gone what has ever happened to him. All I remember and we just looked around at each other and went ÒOh my God that's amazing.Ó [Jim] Uh, we had another guy who worked for me, for us, um at the 18th floor he couldn't take it anymore He couldn't take the time it took to get out. He just got out of line got off at the 18th floor. I-he made it, I mean cause I asked him later, Òwhat did you end up doing?Ó He said, ÒAh, there was no way out from there so I just got back on.Ó So this wasn't a big deal. We gradually got down, and probably around the tenth floor all of a sudden there was nobody in front of us. I-I don't-I can't, it's almost-can't explain what happened but there was no more congestion. It was just straight run all the way down. When we got to about the 4th or 4th, 3rd or 4th floor I'm a big guy I weight 250lbs. There was no support on the the stairway I don't know if people have told you this. The stair the-the-the stairways, I-I presume, are metal cast stairs and they just pour concrete into them and then attach them to the building. The stairs were not attached to the building. I-I-I-I jumped on them and the-the-then the entire stairwell was just bouncing up and down. It's no longer attached so I guess, uhh, this is strange. One of the guys, who's a salt of the Earth guy, who will talk about in a second who came who we brought back up here that afternoon was waiting for us it was just like I still never forget this. Tom Garley is his name. He waited for us at about the 3rd floor. He hadn't seen us come down so he just went back and said my guys are up there I have to make sure they're out. So he waited for this-we were like stragglers, I guess, in his mind. So we finally got out, we got there on the ground floor and that's when it dawned on us for the first time that this was-was of something that was beyond anything we could possibly think about. The-The ground floor, the lobby level of the North tower was no longer recognizable, there were no lights there was I'll say 4 to ...4 inches of water on the-on the floor, I'm trying to think, maybe 3 to 4 inches of water on the floor. Uh, what I do remember is coming out of a door and facing the elevator banks, and the elevator I was looking at was blown off its hinges. It was like a-I-I-like a Salvador Dali, you know, surreal painting of a representative of something. It's just angles or and Nokley. Now if you remem-you know those of us who remember there were these two or three story atrium, there was no glass in the entire atrium. Umm there were no there was no glass above the revolving door that separated the plaza level from the lobby level of the North Tower. Again at this point it was totally pitch black and all we-we-we saw were FBI guys-Guys were in either blue jackets with FBI of them or I'm trying to think of the colors scheme But there were FBI guys in the lobby.