Will of Peter Ryckman - 1747 Will dated September 3, 1747, Albany, New York. I Peter Ryckman, [tailor] of the City of Albany in the Province of New York. First, I give and bequeath unto my eldest son, Wilhelmus Ryckman [?], 3 shillings current money of the Province of New York, for his right of primogeniture and in full for any claim of demand he may have on any part of my estate either real or personal it being my true intent and meaning that he is to have no other share, part or portion, in my estate than the above mentioned 3 shillings. I give and bequeath to my son, Petrus Ryckman, all my silver plate and wearing apparel both linen and woolen. I give and devise to my granddaughter, Cornelia Ryckman, daughter of son Wilhelmus, all my household goods and furniture excepting the silver plate above bequeathed to my son, Petrus Ryckman. I give and bequeath to my said son, Petrus Ryckman, all my real estate, the house and lot of ground where I now live, he paying all my just debts. I appoint my said son, Petrus, Executor, etc. Signed Peter X Ryckman (his mark) Witnesses John Jas. Roseboom, Eghbert Brat and Ja. Stevenson On October 21, 1749 in Albany, Catrina Ryckman, widow of Peter Ryckman (Jr.), Executor in the within will named, and took the oath of an Executor for the due execution and performance of said will. Myndert Schuyler Witness September 22, 1750, in New York City, Catharine Ryckman, widow and Executrix of Peter Ryckman Executor of the written will of his father, Peter Ryckman, both deceased. And the said Catharine Ryckman was duly sworn as Administratix of the estate of Peter Ryckman, the father, and his will annexed as well as in her own right as in trust for her children by the said Peter Ryckman, her late husband, deceased, during their minority before me. notes Abstract transformed from an online resource by SB. Does not appear to have been included in AW. Home | Site Index | Navigation | Email | New York State Museum first posted: 5/10/08 |