Colonel Richard Ingoldesby's Company - 1698


Wee underwritten non Commissioned officers and Private Centinells under ye Command of Coll: Rich’d Ingoldsby doe acknowledge to have receiv’d of his Excellency Rich’d Earl of Bellomont our Capt Gen’ll &c by the hands of R’t Livingston each of us ye somme of five & forty shillings & three pence being after ye rate of three pence P'r diem for each souldier for six months Commencing P'mo [sic] Novemb: 1697 & ending P'mo [sic] May 1698 out of ye money raised by act of assembly for the makeing 300 Effective men at ye fronteers at Albany.

Thomas X Smith’s mark
Samuel X Gilbert’s mark
Rob’t X Doîck’s mark [Dox]
Tho: X holms’ mark
Wlliam X Boyen’s mark
Phill: X ham’s wife’s mark
daniel Mahcraft
Thomas X Merry
Richard hill
John X Williams
John Alesoe Atkins
Thomas X Bomkes
William X Turner
Tho: Rogers
John X Tippin
John X Apleston
Will X Hilton
John X Seawell
Ralph X Noles
William X Renn
William X Rodgers mark
John Carter
William X batter
Robert X Farrington’s mark
Ro: Barrett
Symon X Williams
John X Douglas mark
Wm X Shaw
Edward Clayton
Tho: X Carter
John X Forster
Rich’d X Turner
John X Oliver
Rich’d X Langdale
Henry X Bebe
Luke X Thomas
Benjam: X Moseley
John X Cox
J ohn X Jones
Will: X Makeaway
Rob`t X Giles
John ? Woodcok
John X hams
Rich’d X Tuder
John X Cole
Baltholw. X Pickard
George Ingoldesby
Levt. Shanke R’e’d for Her Pufi[?]
Seytie Patrick Magregorys wife Redd by Lev’t Shanke
Charles X Rodgers mark
daniel brat voor pieter harmense
John Car for Sam’l holms
Sam’l X Doxy
Dirk X brat for D’l fillips
Gregory X Magregory
Wm X Webb g g ?
John X hull
John Gilbertt
William White
William White for Tho: pond
francis Neale
John Radcliffe
Robt. Livingston for Jos: Yetts
R’t Livingston for Wm hall absent
Lt. Hunt for Dan Johnson
Lev’t Shanke for John Younker
Math Shanke
In all 66 men at 45/ 3d a man amounts to £146 - 6 - 6
The above men were p’d by me Rob`t Livingston.


Roster printed in SH volume II, 467-68. Transformed from an online printing by SB. Shown here in almost original form. The "X" presumably denote's the soldier's mark. Each enlisted man was to receive two pounds, three shillings, three pence - although that notation has not been transcribed.

Livingston: This helpful notable is either Robert Livingston (the American patriarch) or his nephew and protege Robert Livingston, Jr., who was picking up on his uncle's chores at that time.

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first posted 1/20/14; updated 6/26/14