Initial List of Beverwyck/Albany Householders - 1650s*
Stefan Bielinski
This page represents our first attempt to comprehend who was in the community at the initial distribution/patenting of houselots following the creation of the court/town/village of Beverwyck - the direct ancestor of Albany, during the early 1650s. This page intends to be a first list - a comprehensive survey of important people at the formation of what became an important early American city. This list intends to include documentable Beverwyck residents only!
That said, developing a creditable (project verified) "first list" is proving to be no simple task. It is being compiled from a number of resources but, at the outset, relies heavily for guidance and leads on the lists compiled by Janny Venema and included in her book entitled Beverwijck: A Dutch Village on the American Frontier, 1652-1664. This list is in its nacent stage. The seminal but less focused and more questionable list of property holders appeared in The Bicentennal History of Albany.
This "register" is by no means comprehensive as it is being generated as the initial lot holders are encountered during the development of biographical profiles of the people of colonial Albany. We expect this listing to be in progress for the forseeable future.
First wave of Beverwyck householders arranged alphabetically:
Click on the name of each settler!
Stoffel Janse Abeel
Rutger Aertse
Arent And. Bradt
Leendert Phil. Conyn
Casper Jac. Hallenbeck
Pieter C. Loockermans, Sr. - houselot and garden near the fort
Thomas Janse Mingael
Thomas Sanders
Jacob Janse Schermerhorn
Philip Piet. Schuyler
Storm Vanderzee
Jan Frans Van Hoesen
Adrian Jan. Van Ilpendam
Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick
Jan Verbeek
Abraham P. Vosburgh - - 1652
Pieter Mees Vrooman
Jan Barentse Wemp
Evert Janse Wendell
Jochem Wessels

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