The passages that follow have been tranformed from Joel Munsell's works on the history of Albany. As the antiquarian intended, they are interesting and valuable pieces of community ethnography on their own. But they also provide consistent links to material referenced in the lifecourse biographies and various other items that appear throughout this website.
    The base offering (containing the first installment) covered the newspaper years from 1771 to 1790. This presentation continues the series from 1790 into the year 1798.

    [verbatim editorial note from the first installment] The events given below are gathered almost entirely from the newspapers. The locations of some of the principal business men are given, who were in active life at the close of the revolutionary war.

Continued from transformation of the first installment of the "Notes" series as printed in Annals of Albany, vol. 2., p.211.


The following table gives the population and names of the towns of the county of Albany, in the orthography of that day. [table]

Dec. 26. Rev. Eilardus Westerlo, senior pastor of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, died aged 53, in the thirty-first year of his ministry. He was greatly respected for his piety and learning, and his funeral was attended by a large concourse of the people of the city and neighboring towns, who followed his remains to the vault of the Van Rensselaer family, where he was interred.

Of the 65 members composing the assembly of the state, Albany sent 10, and New York, 9. This was an unfair representation, by which Aaron Burr was elected United States Senator over Philip Schuyler, and the southern part of the state had both of the senators, giving great dissatisfaction to the north. The following table shows the population of the counties at this time, according to the new census returns.

Richmond, 3,928
Suffolk, 16,094
Ulster, 26,390
Washington, 13,388
Westchester, 22,741

Albany, 75,180
Columbia, 27,545
Clinton and Ontario,.. 4,500
Dutchess, 42,235
Kings, 4,423
Montgomery, 26,606
New York, 30,032
Orange, 16,677 | 15 counties.
Queens, 14,385

It will be seen that Albany county outnumbered the next two highest, New York and Dutchess. It was also found by this census, that the number of electors in the state, (exclusive of Ontario and Clinton counties, which made no returns) entitled to vote for senators, was 19,369. and that the number entitled to vote for members of assembly, was 38,237. It was supposed that those two counties would add 166 to the former and 411 to the latter; which would give Albany 17 members instead of 10, and New York 7 instead of 9, at the rate of 1 member to 544 electors; 70 members in all.


An act of the Legislature divided the county of Albany into three counties; all that portion lying east of the Hudson was called Rensselaer county; and that lying west of the Hudson, and north of the Mohawk river was called Saratoga, By this arrangement what was left of the old county contained 28,192; that of Rensselaer 29,634, and that of Saratoga 17,463. The town of Rensselaerwyck was also divided into two towns.

March 17. The assize of bread was a loaf of " common or tail flour" to weigh 2 lbs. 8 oz., for 6d.

March 25. The first mail from Albany reached Bennington, on the 30th anniversary of the settlement of that town. The mail between Albany and New York was required to be carried but once a week by the government contract, but the contractors usually exceeded their bonds by carrying it twice a week. The Gazette complained that there was so much carelessness and loss in its transmission by the stage drivers that business men resorted principally to private conveyances.

The legislature passed a law authorizing the city authorities to raise £350 by tax for the support of a night watch; and by another act, '£2000 were to be raised for completing the court house and jail.

April 12. It is mentioned as a congratulatory event, that 40 vessels arrived, at this port in one day, or passed it for Troy and Lansingburgh. That 18 vessels, of which 16 were of from 40 to 80 tons, lay at the port of Lansingburgh, and the sloop Nancy had performed the trip to New York and back in 7 days.

April 18. On account of the prevalence of small pox in the city, the printers declined purchasing rags for six weeks from this date.

The receipts into the treasury of the city for the half year ending April 18, were £1500 3s. 3£d., and the disbursements, £1193, 19s. 9Jd, leaving a balance in the treasury of £346, 3s. 6|d.

May 16. A slight shock of an earthquake gave the citizens of Albany a few oscillations about twenty minutes past 10 o'clock in the morning.

Complaints are frequently made of the perils of a journey to Schenectady by the common road. A person who had with some difficulty reached that place in June, gives the following "advice to wagoners, or such persons as follow riding loads to and from Schenectady and Albany." "First," he says, "collect all the axletrees that are now in use, and put them in one general pile, and burn them on the evening of the fourth of July, and proclaim yourselves free from the traditions of your fathers. Then cause new ones to be made out so as to let the track of the wagon be five feet from centre to centre of the felloes; and let that day forever after be called the day for laying aside folly and adopting wisdom in its stead." The benefits to be derived from this revolution in axletrees, were numerous; but an important one among them, and one which will appear a little singular on so plain a road as this, was a remedy against the "liability to upset," or overset. The dawn of the era of rail roads was yet half a century distant, and unimagined.

The following table shows the price current for the principal articles of commerce at this time, and the difference in the market at Albany and New York.

June. The corporation were engaged in paving the streets, and there was a complaint of difficulty in procuring stones to pave Market street, as North Broadway was then called. It swallowed up thousands of cart loads. It is

amusing to read the speculations of the newspaper writers on the subject.

The consistory of the Dutch church laid out into lots a part of the tract commonly termed the church pasture. These lots lay on the west side of Court street now Broadway, below Lydius, described as being on the road "leading from the ferry to the town." They were sold at auction. It is believed that the difficulty between the Rev. Mr. Bassett and his church grew out of or was aggravated by some transactions in these lots.

Motley processions of eastern emigrants were daily passing through the city, which was the grand thoroughfare to the western country. The far west of these New Englanders, as they mostly were, was the Genesee Valley; and they were accompanied by their families, their flocks and their implements.

The punishment of forgery was death. One Samuel Cook, at the venerable age of 84, was executed in Montgomery county for that offence.

July 28. John Stewart, the famous English pedestrian, arrived in the city from New York, and proceeded the same evening on his way to Canada. Having perambulated Europe, Asia and Africa, he came to complete his travels by making the tour of America. He is represented as a middle aged man, about six feet high, all whose expeditions were made on foot.

September. The Rev. Mr. Bassett published a collection of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in North America.

Oct. 11. The chamberlain, Elbert Willett, reported that the receipts into the treasury for the year, were £2618 18s 7d, and the expenditures £2073 13s 2d. Of the money on hand, counted as cash, was £494 of one, two and three penny notes. The rent of the city wharves was £131; first payment of the lease of Verrebergh £44; for lands at Tiononderoga £480 l0d; city ferry, £158. A new market house was built this year at an expense of £222, and "a hand fire engine,' purchased at £30. The expenses of the ferry, were £232 l0d, For watchmen, £211 13d.

There were but eight persons in confinement belonging to the counties of Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Washington and Clinton, which were in the jail in this city, five of whom were debtors, one insane, and two on criminal prosecutions.

Dec. 20. A number of citizens associated for the purpose of forming a library, and established the Albany Library, by subscriptions of £5 each. This was undoubtedly the first society library in the city.


Jan 4. The corporation resolved to convey to trustees thereafter to be appointed, a part of the public square in the city for the purposes of a college, and a subscription was opened by the citizens with a view of carrying the project into immediate effect. This movement resulted in the establishment of Union College at Schenectady.

Jan 31. The coopers held a meeting at Denniston's tavern and adopted the following scale of prices:
Flax seed tierces, 5s. Half barrels, 4s.
Tight potash barrels, 6s. Ten gallon kegs, 3s 6d.
Common do 5s 6d. Five and six gallon kegs, 3s.
Rum barrels, 5s. Four ""2s 6d.
Beef and Pork barrels, 4s 6d. All kegs less than 4 galls, 2s.
White oak fish " 4s 6d. Flour barrels, 2s.
Red oak " " 4s.

Feb. I. By an act of congress extending post roads and fixing the prices of postage, the route from Albany to Bennington was extended to the northern part of the state, and a post road established from Albany through Schenectady to Canajoharie. The rates of postage fixed at this time continued for more than half a century.

The legislature passed an act to prevent obstructions of the docks and wharves of the city, and to increase the number of firemen.

Feb 3. A meeting was held at Lewis's Tavern to discuss the project of a bank. The outlines of a plan for its establishment were afterwards submitted, and the movement resulted in the procurement of the charter of the present Bank of Albany. (See vol. i, p. 31

Another project had been some time agitated, and began to be urged with much earnestness; that of supplying the city with water. The supply at this time was from the wells and the river.

March 3. The destruction of the sugar plantations in the island of Hispaniola, by the insurrectionary blacks, caused a scarcity and rise in the price of sugar. A society was organized in this city having for its object the promotion ofthe manufacture of maple sugar. A premium of seventy-five silver dollars was offered for the largest quantity made by a single family, of not less than 600 pounds; and smaller premiums for less quantities. More than 2000 sugar kettles were sold in the city during the winter, and it was supposed that upwards of 8000 kettles were employed within eighty miles of Albany. It was estimated that each kettle would produce 100 lbs; and that the whole product at 12^ cts. a pound would amount to $90,000, It was also computed that the western part of the state of New York contained trees enough to supply five times the quantity of sugar consumed in the whole country, and that an export of five millions of dollars could be saved.

May 17. The trustees of the Presbyterian church, worshiping in a wooden building on the corner of Grand and Hudson streets, purchased the "lot on the plains," for £110, and soon after erected the brick church on the corner of South Pearl and Beaver streets, now occupied by the Congregationalists.

May 22. A load of hemp arrived in the city from the south end of Cayuga lake, near the Pennsylvania line, and is said to have been the first produce brought to this city from that region. It does not appear whether there was any design in this enterprise to give an impulse to the subscriptions to the internal improvement stock; but it came at a time when efforts were making to raise the means to connect the Hudson River with Lake Ontario by means of canals and rivers, and thus open a commerce with a rich country rapidly filling up with an enterprising population.

The taxes assessed by the supervisors of the county were as follows: [table]

At the annual election for governor and lieutenantgovernor; Albany county gave Geo. Clinton 444, and John Jay 1178 for governor; and Pierre Van Cortland 413 and Stephen Van Rensselaer 1208 for lieut. governor.

Joseph Brant, the celebrated Indian warrior, passed through the city on his way to Philadelphia, it was supposed on public business for his nation.

June 12. The first election of directors of the Bank of Albany, was held at the City Tavern, when the following were chosen: Abraham Ten Broek, Cornelius Glen, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Stephen Van Rensselaer, John Maley, Abraham Van Vechten, Henry Cuyler, James Caldwell, John Stevenson, Jacob Van der Heyden, Goldsbrow Banyar, Daniel Hale, Elkanah Watson. Abraham Ten Broek was elected president.

July 16. The Bank of Albany was opened for deposits, and began to discount on the following day- The banking house was in North Pearl street, the building now numbered 11. The rate of discount was six per cent. The capital stock was $260,000; shares, 400 Spanish milled dollars, or their equivalent.

The inhabitants of State street were in a state of excitement about the paving of the street, which the city authorities had determined on. Some of the merchants wanted narrow sidewalks for the convenience of unloading grain; while others contended for wide walks, because the view from their cellar windows would be less obstructed! A good many, undoubtedly were more concerned at the expense.

A post was established from Albany to Whitestown in Herkimer county as a private enterprise, which performed the route once a fortnight. Several gentlemen in the Genesee country established one also to connect with the one at Whitestown, thereby keeping up a semi-monthly communication with this city. It passed through Geneva and Canandaigua. Towns were then of ample dimensions. There were but seven in Saratoga county, three in Herkimer and four in Montgomery.

A mineral spring was discovered on the east side of the river whose waters were deemed of sufficient medicinal virtue to warrant the erection of a bathing house, and the esta blishment of a ferry for the accommodation of such as had need of being healed. The boat, it was advertised, "would start in ten minutes after the blowing of a horn."

A meeting of citizens was held for the purpose of organizing a company for the purpose of erecting a commodious public house. The plan of a constitution was drawn up, under which the company was to take the name of the Albany Hotel-Tontine Company, the capital of which was fixed at $15,000, divided into 1000 shares. The price of the lot was fixed at $3000; the cost of the building, at $10,000; outhouses, $1000; furniture, $1000. The plan was thought to be "a happy invention to secure an advantageous property to children who may arrive to years of discretion." Individuals were entreated by the Gazette not to monopolize more than ten shares! This scheme seems to have failed at this time, but was resumed a few years later, and resulted in the erection of the building, now numbered 51 and 53 State street.

Postmaster-General Pickering's advertisements for proposals to carry the mail, extended the post road west from Albany, "from Connojorharrie to Whitestown, and thence, to Kanandarqua."

July 27. The directors of the Northern Inland Lock Navigation company held a meeting, Philip Schuyler, president. Surveys of the Hudson river were directed to be made, and the country between the river and the head waters of streams leading to lake Champlain were ordered to be examined. A gentleman of the name of Nesbit arrived at this time from Scotland, with high credentials, "as a master of the science of canalling," and assisted the committee at their first visit to examine the river above Troy.

August 11. The western company met subsequently and chose Philip Schuyler president, and Barent Bleecker treasurer. They determined to improve the Mohawk as far as practicable during the present season, and to examine the ground in the vicinity of Little Falls, and those between the Mohawk and Wood Creek. The companies were incorporated in December following, with one dissenting vote in the senate, and nine in the house of assembly. In the meantime, the committee of the company prosecuted their work vigorously to be ready for operations early in the coming year.

Oct. 17. A company of seventy-four German immigrants arrived from Philadelphia on their route to the Genesee country, where they purposed to begin a settlement on the lands owned by Robert Morris.

Dec. It was first proposed to establish a line of stages from this city to Whitestown. "Such an idea a few years ago," says the editor of the Gazette, "would have been ridiculed; but from the great intercourse with the west through this city, we have every reason to suppose it will answer a valuable purpose, both to the public and the proprietors; especially if the proprietors should succeed in contracting for the mail, of which there can be little doubt.

About this time a post was established from Niagara to Genesee river, where it met the post from the office of the Gazette every fortnight. The Messrs. Webster received and forwarded letters gratuitously to every part of the country where there were no mails.


Jan. 10. A meeting of upwards of one hundred and fifty mechanics, convened for the purpose of forming a city and county society. They organized an association under the name of the Albany Mechanic Society, which continued in existence for a long time, and was noted for its usefulness. Its first officers were: John W. Wendell, president; Charles R. Webster and Bernardus Evertsen, vice-presidents; Isaac Hutton, treasurer; John Barber, secretary.

There had been a great surplus of provisions during the preceding year, particularly of grain, and the prices were reduced very low. But about the middle of January wheat began to be sought for at a dollar a bushel, much to the wonderment of some of the dealers, to whom the farmers had been accustomed to bring their wheat for storage until spring, when the former shipped it to New York, and shared the profits with the producer. The wars in Europe growing out of the French revolution created such a demand for American produce, that wheat rose finally to $3 a bushel, and runners first made their appearance in Albany at this time, to the great annoyance of the merchants, having been sent up from New York to forestall the market.

Feb. Specimens of maple sugar were brought before the legislature by the association in Albany for promoting its manufacture; and a bill was introduced by some members of that body, for granting premiums on sugar the product of the maple, of from two to four pence a pound.

Feb 9. The assize of bread, which had stood for a long time at 21bs 8oz., for 6d, was reduced to 21bs 4oz for 6d.

Feb. 25. The common council directed the chamberlain to procure information of the persons who had committed trespass and waste of the timber and wood on the lands of the board at Schaghticoke.

Feb. 28. The society of coopers held a meeting and raised the prices of articles of their manufacture one shilling a barrel over the prices which they had established the previous year.

The election held in Albany county for member of congress resulted in a majority for Henry Glen, who received 927 votes; Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, his opponent, received 526.

March 8. The river clear of ice, although there was a considerable fall of snow. The price of wheat was 9s.

Jan 21. "Hat manufactory in Maiden Lane, a few doors west of the Market House, Albany. May be had Hats of all kinds—the newest fashions and best quality. Made and sold by the public's very humble servant, Elisha Dokb. Who has 200 brls of the best cyder for sale cheap for cash?"

Every one's business at this time seems to have been multifarious.

An act was passed by the legislature for "paving Watervliet street in the county of Albany." Watervliet street began at Columbia street where Montgomery street now is, and ran diagonally to where Broadway and Patroon street intersect Broadway, then called Market street, because the market house stood in it near where it is intersected by Maiden lane, and extended no farther north than Columbia street. At the head of Market street stood the house of Dirk Ten Broek, on the north line of Columbia street. The fifth ward was then in the town of Watervliet.

May. A law of the common council went into effect which ordained that no gutter or spout should project into the street; but that the water should be conducted down the sides of the houses through pipes, within three feet of the ground, under penalty of forty shillings.

The legislature, at its late session, granted a loan of £3000 for eight years to the proprietors of the glass manufactory, three years without interest, and five years at five per cent. The establishment was owned by McClallen, McGregor & Co., the Co being James Caldwell and Christopher Batterman. They offered a reward of fifty dollars for the discovery of a bank of sand suitable for their use,


within ten miles of their glass house, which was eight miles west of the city at the place still familiarly known as the Glass House, although the buildings have disappeared within a few years.

Moses Beal, "erected a stage," to use his own words, for the accommodation of passengers from Albany to Schenectady, Johnstown, and Canajoharie, once a week. It left Albany at 6 o'clock on Friday morning, and arrived at Canajoharie the next day. The fare was three cents a mile. It returned on Tuesday. He proposed to go as far as Little Falls if desired!

May 14. The Bank of Albany having been in operation one year, declared a dividend of $4'25 on each share.

June 3. The sale of lots in the Church pasture, by auction, was commenced, by order of the consistory.

The following were elected members of assembly for the ensuing year, at the annual election for the county of Albany. Thomas Hun, Johannes Deitz, Theodorus V. W. Graham, Jacob Hochstrassar, William North, Stephen Piatt. Jellis A. Fonda,

June 20, 21. The very sudden changes of our atmosphere from heat to cold for this month past have been no less extraordinary than uncommon. Among the many differences we shall only recur to the instances of Thursday and Friday last; on the former of which days the mercury stood at 94° and the latter at 70°.—Register.

Websters, Seymour and Ensign erected a paper mill at Troy which went into operation at this time, and was the first establishment of the kind in this quarter.

July. John Hudson of Schenectady and John Rogers of Ballston established a line of stages by which a regular communication was first begun between Albany and Ballston, for the convenience of those who visited the springs. The fare was 3d a mile.

Aug. 1. The following advertisement is the first public notice of Mr. Ezra Ames:

In Mark Lane, just below Bloodgood & Follet's store. Painting.—Portrait and Sign Painting, Gilding and Limning. The subscriber solicits the patronage of the admirers of the Fine Arts of Painting, Portraits, Miniatures, and Hair Devices. From the encouragement he has already received, he flatters himself of giving general satisfaction. Those who are not satisfied with his performances will not be compelled to have the work when it is finished. Gentlemen and ladies will be waited upon in any part of the city. Signs, Coaches, Chaises, Sleighs, Standards, &c., painted in the best manner. Orders from the country will be received and attended to—and all favors gratefully acknowledged by their humble servant, Ezra Ames.

Aug. 8. Matthew Visscher, counsellor at law, died aged 42. He was called into public life at an early age, and took an active part in the revolution. He was clerk of the city and county many years, and was highly respected for his fidelity and patriotism in the public service.

Sept. 6. The Hon. Beverly Randolph and Timothy Pickering, two of the commissioners sent to treat with the hostile Indians in relation to boundaries, arrived in the city on their return. The Indians insisted on the Ohio river as the northern boundary of the United States; but as the government had made large purchases of land north of that river, extensive settlements of whites had already begun to be made there, no terms were agreed upon, and it was expected that hostilities would be renewed. The hostile tribes were the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanese, and Miamis. Sept. 9. Jacob C. Ten Eyck died, aged 88, and was interred in the cemetery of the Dutch Church. Among the many offices he is represented to have filled with dignity and efficiency, were those of mayor, and judge of the common pleas court.

Sept. 12. The citizens began to agitate the subject of lighting the streets by night with lamps. A correspondent of the Gazette thought the project needed only to be understood to be adopted!

Sept. 21. The citizens were alarmed by a letter from Judge Lansing, informing them that a vessel had passed New York having two persons on board infected with the yellow fever, which was then raging at Philadelphia. Meetings of the citizens and of the common council were held and measures adopted to prevent the passing of any vessel above the Overslaugh without an examination, and the ferrymen were directed how to proceed on occasions when any suspicion attached to travellers presenting themselves to be ferried over. The common council recommended the observance of the first day of October, as a day of fasting and prayer, for the aversion of the dreaded contagion.

Sept. 23. "On Monday evening last arrived at GreenBush, opposite to this city, from the seat of government, Hon. Alexander Hamilton, secretary of the treasury of the United States, and his lady. As Colonel Hamilton and lady were supposed to have been afflicted with the yellow fever, then prevalent in Philadelphia, the physicians of this city, by request, immediately visited them, and on their return, published the following certificate:

Albany, Sept. 23, 1793.

This is to certify that we have visited Col. Hamilton and his lady, at Greenbush, this evening, and that they are apparently in perfect health; and from every circumstance we do not conceive there can be the least danger of their conveying the infection of the pestilential fever, at present prevalent in Philadelphia, to any of their fellow citizens. Samuel Stringer, W. Mancius, H. Woodruff, Win. McClallen, Cornelius Roosa.

In consequence of which, on Tuesday morning, an order was granted by the mayor, that Col. Hamilton and lady be allowed to cross the ferry."

Sept. 24. At the charter election, the following were elected officers for the ensuing year:

Aldermen.—Abram Ten Eyck, Philip S. Van Rensselaer, John N. Bleecker, Jacob J. Lansing, Jeremiah Lansing, Dirck Ten Broek.

Assistants.—John D. P. Douw, John V. Henry, John F. Pruyn, Barent G. Staats, John Jauncey, John C. Cuyler.

On the same day, the common council re-elected Elbert Willett chamberlain, and James Elliott city marshal, John Tayler was appointed recorder, vice Peter W. Yates, resigned.

Nov. 17. An extensive fire occurred at half past 10 on Sunday evening, in an out house belonging to Leonard Gansevoort, in the centre of the square formed by State and Market streets, and Maiden and Middle lanes, which was swept down by the flames. Twenty-six dwelling houses, several extensive stores, and the Gazette printing office, were consumed. The loss of property was estimated at $250,000. The principal sufferer in real estate was John Maley. Leonard Gansevoort's house was on the lot now numbered 53 State street.

Several attempts were subsequently made to fire the city, by slaves, and some of them were arrested and confessed their guilt. A law was passed by the common council on the 25th Nov., to prevent the appearance of slaves abroad after nine o'clock at night, under the penalty of confinement in the jail.

Nov. 25. It was ordained by the common council, "that no butcher or other person shall sell or dispose of any lamb, mutton, veal, pork or other dead victual for more than four pence per pound, under a penalty of eight shillings for every such offence besides costs."

By a subsequent law, butchers were allowed to receive sixpence per pound for beef and pork, other meats remaining at fourpence.

Nov. 27. The common council passed a law establishing a night watch, consisting of 24 persons each night, to be drawn from the male inhabitants from the age of sixteen years and upwards. They were to assemble on notice given by the marshal, at 8 o'clock, and to remain under the direction of the officer for the night until daybreak under a penalty of six shillings for any breach of the regulations. Inhabitants over sixty years of age, were allowed to send substitutes.

A line of stages was established between Albany and Northampton. A stage started from each of these points on Tuesdays and Fridays in the morning, and met at Pittsfield in the evening, making the entire route in two days. "The proprietors of this new line beg leave to observe that the difficulty of extending a line of stages from Northampton to Albany (across the mountains), has heretofore been supposed insurmountable—but considering this establishment forms an expeditious and sure communication from Portland in the province of Maine through a rich and flourishing country to Whitestoim, in the western part of the state of New York!* a distance of upwards of four hundred miles, they have determined to make the experiment." The fare was 4d a mile.


Jan. 6. Pomp, a negro slave, charged with having set fire to the stable of Leonard Gansevoort, by which the late disastrous conflagration was caused, was tried before the supreme court, and found guilty. Bet and Dean, two female slaves, were also tried and convicted of the same offence, and the whole sentenced to be hung on the 24th January. When the day arrived, there was a large concourse of people to witness the execution; but the culprits were respited and allowed six weeks grace, to the great injustice of so large an audience.

Feb. 4. The senate's amendment to the bill authorizing the corporation of Albany to raise money to support a night watch, was concurred in by the house.

Feb. 8. This was a notable day for trade, the Gazette says. "On a moderate estimate it is presumed the purchases and sales of produce and merchandise exceeded $50,000. Of the article of wheat, between 25 and 30,000 bushels were brought to this market; a quantity far exceeding the receipts of any one day since the settlement of this country. The price of wheat rose during the day from 7s. 7d. to 8s., or the highest price between this and the first of March. This last mode of purchase is truly novel, and must be convincing to the farmer that the merchants of this city are too independent to form combinations."

A fat cow brought to this market by Mr. Holt of Cherry * The compiler has taken the liberty to put this sentence in italics. Valley, was killed and found to exceed 1,100 pounds in weight. It is stated that upwards of 500 head of fat cattle were driven to market from Otsego county the past season.

The prisoners confined in the jail for debt, petitioned the legislature for a law compelling their creditors to support them during their incarceration; the committee to whom their petition was referred, reported that the act of 1789 was sufficient for the relief prayed for.

The sufferers by the fires in Albany and Lansingburgh petitioned the legislature for permission to raise a sum by lottery to indemnify a part of their losses. The committee, considering the deranged state of the affairs of the sufferers in consequence of the fire, and that the commercial interests of the northern and western parts of the state would be considerably affected thereby, were of the opinion that their extreme case merited the attention of the legislature, and brought in a bill accordingly.

Feb. 10. The legislature requested the governor to confer with the Cayuga, Onondaga and Oneida Indians, who were in the city in large numbers, and to ascertain whether they were disposed to sell the whole of their reserved lands. The sum of $650 was distributed among them in presents. The place for distributing presents to the Indians, we are told by Mr. John Van Zandt, was on the north side of State street, east of James street, where the Indians were ranged in a line on the verge of the sidewalk, and the articles were distributed with great exactness, men, women and children sharing alike.

The committee of the house of assembly to whom was referred the petition of the Reformed Dutch Church in Greenbush for a lottery to raise money to complete their church, reported against granting the petition.

The Inland Navigation companies applied to the legislature for assistance in carrying on their enterprise. It was proposed to render a water communication from Albany to Seneca lake, a distance of more than two hundred and seventy-five miles; in the progress of which the following obstacles were to be surmounted:
1. It was necessary to construct a canal with locks, to connect the Mohawk with the Hudson, in the nearest direction from river to river, or a canal with locks round the Cohoes falls, estimated to cost $37,500
2. The Mohawk to be cleared of rocks, and the riffs deepened to the Little falls, 17,500
3. The Little falls to be completely locked, 37,500
4. From the Little falls to Fort Stanwix, the river being generally bold—the natural obstructions being few, 6,250
5. Canal &c., at Fort Stanwix 6,250
6. To complete Wood creek, 3,125
7. To improve the riffs in the Onondaga and Seneca rivers to the Cayuga lake, 6,250
8. Improving the communication between the Cayuga and Seneca lakes, and locking at the Seneca falls 12,500 $126,925

It was contemplated that these improvements would bring into communication 1000 .miles of inland coast, within the state of New York, exclusive of the great lakes, and would acqpmmodate boats carrying from five to ten tons; while boats then carrying from eight to ten barrels, approached the Hudson with an expense and delay barely equivalent to any proposed advantage.

Jan 28. The citizens of Albany transmitted to Philadelphia for the relief of the sufferers by the memorable conflagation of 1793, the sum of $866"40, collected soon after a formidable scourge of fire in their own city.

March 14. The two negro girls convicted of setting fire to the city on the 17th Nov. last, were hung. The other felon was respited until April.

The legislature had it in contemplation to take another corner from Albany county, for the erection of a new county; but at the adjournment of that body the bill remained in the senate, which passed a resolution at its close, that the further consideration of the bill entitled "an act to erect certain lands into a separate county by the name of Delaware," be postponed until the next session.

March 28. Proposals were issued for building a brick Presbyterian church,for which thematerials were procured.

To encourage the raising of barley, the subscriber will pay six shillings a bushel for any quantity of good merchantable barley, delivered at his brewery, at the corner of the market house, Albany, at any time before the 1st of March, 1795. Peter Gansevoort.

Rr. Solomon Van Rensselaer, son of Gen. Henry K. Van Rensselaer, of Rensselaerwyck, was promoted to a captaincy in the cavalry of the United States.

April 11. Pomp, the negro convicted of arson, and several times respited, was hung; and his dying confessions were sold at No. 2 Pearl street.

Ananias Platt, grateful for public custom, undertook to run his stage twice a day from Lansingburgh to Albany and back.

June 21. Jacob J. Lansing one of the aldermen of the city, died after a short illness, aged 40. "He was an affectionate relation, a valuable friend, a firm magistrate, and above all a man who feared God."

Spencer Stafford gave notice that he had again commenced business in this city, and that at his shop, on the east side of Market street, a few doors noi*h of the Dutch Church, he carried on a tin plate, sheet iron, copper and brass manufactory. Mr. Stafford became subsequently an extensive hardware merchant, and retired wealthy. In 1843, he made a map of his city property, and offered it for sale. His lots lay principally on the south side of Lydius street, above Hawk.

May 24. The assize of bread was one pound and twelve ounces for sixpence.

The number of votes given for members of assembly at the May election, by the different towns in the county was as follows: Albany, Watervliet, .. Schenectady, . Duanesburgh, Schoharie, ... Rensselaerville,

The names of the members elected, were, Thomas Hun, Johannes Deitz, Leonard Gansevoort, jr., Andries Van Petten, William North, Stephen Piatt, Jacob Hochstrasser,

May 19. Stephen Van Rensselaer was elected a member of the corporation of Williams College, in the state of Massachusetts.

May. The treasurer of the state of Vermont, Samuel Mattocks, passed through the city with twenty thousand dollars in specie, on his way to New York. The money was part of the thirty thousand dollars stipulated to be paid to the state of New York, when the latter acceded to the independence and sovereignty of the other.

The Western Inland Lock Navigation company advertised to contract for four companies of laborers, each company to consist of an overseer, twenty-five able-bodied men and a cook, to be employed from the 20th June to the 15th November. The wages offered were one dollar a day to the overseer, and fifty cents to the laborers and cook, and " to find their own provision and liquor, and bedding." The directors would provide kettles, wooden bowls and trenchers. They were to work from sunrise till eight o'clock; then to be allowed one hour for breakfast; then to work until twelve o'clock, and be allowed two hours for dinner, until the 15th August, and after that only one hour for dinner until the 15th November; after dinner to work until sunset. They were to be allowed four days' wages " for traveling to the fatls in Herkimer county," where they were to be chiefly employed.

July 12. "The extensive and beautiful works belonging to Mr. James Caldwell, situated about one mile north of this city were entirely consumed by fire, together with between five and six thousand pounds worth of stock. The whole loss is estimated at upwards of £ 13,000. The fire broke out between the hours of one and two in the morning of Saturday, in the Chocolate mill, but by what means it caught no one is able to determine. Nothing was saved of all that range, but one small kitchen.".

Post roads centering at Albany, all of which had been established but recently, were now 6 in number, as follows:
1. From New York by Pickskill, Fishkill, Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck, Redhook, Clermont, Hudson and Kinderhook to Albany.
2. From Albany, by Lansingburgh, Bennington, and Manchester to Rutland in Vermont. From Rutland, by Middlebury and Vergennes, to Burlington on Lake Champlain.
3. From Lansingburgh to Albany.
4. From Albany, by Schenectady, Johnstown, and Cannajoharrie to Whitestown.
5. From Cannajoharrie through Cherry Valley to the court house in Cooperstown in the county of Otsego.
6. From Whitestown to Canandarqua one in two weeks. The above is from the proposals for carrying the mail, issued by Timothy Pickering the postmaster-general, and the orthography of the original is preserved.

Aug. 1. The assize of bread was one pound twelve ounces for sixpence. In New York, 1 lb. 14 oz. of inspected flour. The price of wheat in New York at the same time, was 10s. 8d. ($1-33), and$l"25 at Albany in October.

Sept. 1. The corporation sold by public auction, the water lots "between the middle and upper docks," north of Maiden lane, which brought upwards of $4000.

Oct. Peter Gansevoort junior advertised to pay seven shillings a bushel for barley delivered at his brewery, at the corner of the Market House, in any quantity, until the first of March, 1795.

Oct. Richard Cartwright, formerly an esteemed merchant in Albany, died in Canada, aged 73.

Oct. Jacob Waldron and his wife, who had been captured with a part of Gen. Wayne's army and retained among the Shawnee Indians, made their escape in March, and arrived in Albany by the way of Detroit and Niagara. They were furnished with money by the Albany Humane Society to enable them to prosecute their journey.

Tha fare to New York by stage was $7-25; the trip occupied two days. In the winter it was $8; way passengers 5d a mile.

Oct. 16. Teunis Visscher died.

A sixpenny loaf of bread weighed one pound 10 ounces.

"For sale, a likely Negro Wench, 18 years of age, with her child, 8 months old.

Oct. 28. Aaron Pennel died, aged 25; had resided in the city five years, and "sustained the character of an amiable and honest man;" was buried in the cemetery of the Presbyterian church.

Nov. 2. Twenty recruits for a corps of artillery and engineers, which had been raised in this city by Lieut. J. McClallen, sailed for Governor's Island.

Nov. 10. The corporation advertised for proposals for supplying the city with water by aqueduct, from the spring at the Five Mile House, on the road to Schenectady. About this time also, the common council resolved that no person should frame the materials for any building in any of the streets or lanes of the city, east of Eagle street, under a penalty of six shillings a day for every day he should persist in the work, after having been forbidden.

Nov. 11. The treaty with the Six Nations was "done at Kon-an-daigua," and signed by Timothy Pickering and 58 sachems, among whom were Hendrik, Fish Carrier, Half- Town, Little Billy, Farmer's Brother, Red Jacket, Cornplanter and Handsome Lake.

Nov. 14. The Bank of Albany paid a dividend of 4 \ per cent, on the last half year's business.

Dec. 11. The editors of the Gazette, "as friends to the progress of American manufactures, congratulateJhe proprietors and the public, that the extensive glass factory in the neighborhood of this city, is now in full operation, both at the old and new works. This valuable establishment has met with obstacles for this two months, partly owing to some bad materials. But at length, we are told, they are happily surmounted with a fair prospect of increasing prosperity.

It is mentioned that Capt. William Van Ingen of the sloop Cincinnati, had made the trip to and from New York in 12 days—that is, he sailed from hence on the 5th Dec. and arrived at New York on the 9th; disposed of his cargo, took in a valuable freight, and returned to this port on the 16th. This was a triumph of sloop navigation.

It is remarked at the same time, that the navigation of the river had been open 9 months, and had still no impediment.

Dec. 15. Stephen Van Rensselaer prohibited all persons excepting those who had permission by deed, from cutting down or carrying away any timber or firewood upon the manor of Rensselaerwyck. The citizens of Al bany had been accustomed to the right of commons for nearly two centuries, and it is probable that some persons began to abuse the privilege. An anonymous writer in the Gazette animadverted upon this prohibition, which required those who wished to cut wood to apply at the office of the proprietor for permission, and asserted that the prohibition was an encroachment upon the rights of the citizens, acquired not only by long usage, but by original purchase or grant from the Indians.

Dec. 22. It was contemplated to establish a college here, and a petition which had been circulated for signatures was presented to the corporation for the purpose of moving that body to some action in the matter. Considerable effort was made to have it located here, instead of Schenectady, and £6000 subscribed towards it; but the regents of the university, by a vote of 11 to 3, fixed upon the latter place.

We learn from the Register of Sept. 29, 1794, that the paving system had been prosecuted with so much vigor, that only Pearl street and a few cross streets remained to complete the enterprise. "The contrast in so short a period, from one of the filthiest to one of the cleanest cities in America, is truly astonishing, and must be pleasing to every citizen, especially when we take into contemplation that noble extent of pavement now nearly completed through the whole extent of Watervliet street to the bridge —the very idea of which a few years ago would have been thought the height of madness." It is said that property had risen in consequence. It was found that they had made a mistake in paving some of the sidewalks with small stones.

[169] 1795. Jan. 1. Richard Hilton, "a worthy citizen," died in the 97th year of his age. He was the oldest man in the city, and had for many years been afflicted by an enormous wen on his left cheek, about 15 inches in circumference. Jan. 10.—The proprietors of the Western Mail Stages advertise that they have provided good and convenient stage sleighs which will accommodate ten passengers, and have reduced the fare during good sleighing to 2 pence J penny per mile. At the same time John Hudson ran two stages, one of 4 horses and the other of 2, daily, to Albany and back to Schenectady, Sundays excepted. The post master at this time was George W. Mancius. Feb. 28. The emigration through the city to the west was so great at this time, that a citizen was induced from a motive of curiosity to take an account of a single day's travel; the number taken was 500 sleighs, from sun-rise to sun-set: those passing in the night not being enume rated. It was estimated that 1200 sleighs, freighted with men, women, children arid furniture, had passed through the city in three days, from the east, to settle the Gene see Valley. This was not the only avenue to the west, at that time, though probably the principal one. The increase of emigration was attributable to the comple tion of the treaty of Mr. Jay with Great Britain, and that of Mr. Pickering with the Six Nations, which dis pelled every apprehension of danger. Among the mova bles was observed a printing press, " destined to shed its light abroad over the western wilds." March. The legislature passed the bill directing the treasurer to subscribe 200 shares to each of the canal companies, to enable them to prosecute their works the com ing season. Also an act to divide the town of Rensselaerville, and erect a part of it into a new town by the name of Berne, in honor of the first settler there. The town of Rensselaerwyck was also divided and a part of it called Greenbush. The county of Schoharie was erected from part of the counties of Albany and Otsego. 15

[170] March. The city lamps were announced as being nearly ready for use.

March 1. Barent Ten Eyck died, aged 81. Albertus Yates died on the same day, at an advanced age. Arent Van Curlaer died at Mapletown, Rensselaer county, aged 107. We do not learn whether he was a descendant of the ancient commissary.

March 4. Isaac Packard died, " respected and esteemed as an ingenious mechanic and an honest man."

March 30. David Groesbeeck died aged 67, "a pious and exemplary man." Mr. John Hudson died; the stage proprietor, whose vehicles plied between Albany and Schenectady. His widow continued the business. Stages commenced running six times a day between Lansingburgh and Albany, by A. Platt.

April 7. An act passed the legislature, at its last session, appropriating £20,000 annually for the term of five years, for the purpose of encouraging and maintaining schools in the state. The proportion allotted to Albany county was £1,500, or $3750; the law to go into operation on the 7th April. It was the foundation of the free school system.

The following list of taxable inhabitants of the towns in the county of Albany, is given in the Gazette:
Bethlehem, 350
Rensselaerville, 495
Schoharie, 507
Duanesburgh, 400
Albany, 806
Watervliet, 573
Coxsackie 600
Catskill, 354
Freehold, 524
Coeymans, 354
Berne, 386
Schenectady, 747

April 15. Upwards of fifty sail of vessels arrived at this port, and a number went past to Troy.

April 17. The firm of MacGregor & Co., in carrying on the Glass Works, consisting of Jeremiah Van Rensse laer, Elkanah Watson, Robert MacGregor, and Thomas and Samuel Mather, was dissolved, and a new company formed under the name of Thomas Mather & Co.

April 28. The election for governor, lieutenant-governor and legislators, took place on the last Tuesday in [171] April, and the vote for the city and county of Albany was as follows: Towns. Jay. V. Rens Yates. Floyd. 61 86 72 51 46 38 17 5 42 47 25 20 35 75 227 234 128 201 75 4 314 317 13 7 37 39 59 57 151 143 27 35 207 248 56 14 32 31 102 102 188 190 3 3 124 122 45 44 11 15 38 31 45 13 41 71 1401 1560 850 678 The total number of votes given for the above candi dates in the whole state, was, for Jay, 13,481 ; for Yates, 11,892; for Van Rensselaer, 12,854; Floyd, 12,199. Jay's majority, 1589; Van Rensselaer's majority, 655. At the same election Philip Schuyler of Albany was chosen senator for the western district; composed of the counties of Albany, Montgomery, Herkimer, Onondaga, Otsego, Ontario and Tioga. The whole vote was, for Schuyler, 4,431 ; for John Patterson, 2,895. Majority for Schuyler, 1,536.

For members of Assembly of the county of Albany, the vote was as follows : Dirck Ten Broeck, 1787 William Noith, 1814 Francis Nicoll, 1778 Jacob Hochstrasser, . . . 1623 Johannes Deitz, 1787 Joseph Shurtliff, 1254 GerritAbeel 1683 Philip Van Rensselaer, 891 Abraham G. Lansing,. . 840 Jellis A. Fonda, 871 Jacobus Bogardus, 812 Leonard Bronek, 1272 Stephen Piatt, 75 Marcus Bellinger, 765 Uzal Cory, 747 Direk Ten Broeck of Albany, William North of Duanesburgh, Francis Nicoll of Bethlehem, Jacob Hochstrasser

[172] of Berne, Johannes Deitz of Schoharry, Gerrit Abeel of Catskill, and Leonard Bronk of Coxsackie, were elected.

April 30. At sunrise the mercury in Fahrenheit's ther mometer stood at 0; and an hour later, although the morning was fair, it had fallen to 14 deg. below 0. This was 6° colder than any day of the previous winter, and the coldest day that had occurred in six years.

May. Jacobus Wynkoop, a merchant of this city, died aged 75. "He took a decided and active part in the revo lution, and was esteemed a brave and worthy officer."

May 7. Francis Carbine, formerly a merchant in Albany, died, aged 62.

May 11 . William McFarlank died, aged 34 . " To the character of an honest man he added the qualifications of a pious christian."

May 12. At an election held at the banking house in Market street, the following were elected directors of the Bank of Albany, the only institution of the kind north of New York, it is believed : Abraham Ten Broek, president ; Stephen Van Rensselaer, Stephen Lush, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Goldsbrow Banyar, Jas. Caldwell, Philip S. Van Rensselaer, Barent Bleecker, Dudley Walsh, Daniel Hale, Robert McClallen .Jacob Vanderheyden, Elisha Kane.

The stages from Albany to New York performed their trips in two days at the " reduced price of £3 4s." a pas senger ($8). " The passengers will lodge the first night at Poughkeepsie, where those that prefer a water passage may be accommodated on board the Poughkeepsie packets, remarkable for their quick passages." Official information having been received of the election of Mr. Van Rensselaer to the office of lieut. governor, the citizens formed a procession, and marched to his man sion to congratulate him on the event. Some of the most conspicuous of his opponents joined in the procession with much enthusiasm.

June 2. John M. Watson died, aged 29, and was buried in the Presbyterian cemetery. June 15. It was announced that " William Mayell, hat ter, from London, had just opened, for sale, at the store of T. Fradgley, No. 8 Market street, a general assortment of

[173] men's, women's and children's fashionable hats, various colors."

June 22. The assize of bread was a loaf of common tail flour to weigh lib. 2 oz. for sixpence. Wheat sold for $2.18 a bushel in New York, and flour $10 a barrel. The following is a price current of some of the most com mon articles of consumption in New York at this time : Wheat, 17s 6d. Pork prime, £6, 53. Com, Northern, 7s 2d. " cargo, £5, 16s, " Southern, 6s 6d. Butter, Is 6d. Flour Superfine, £4, 16s. Lard, Is 2d. " Common, £4, 4s. Cheese, Is 4d. Beef mess, £5, 4s. Ham, Is. " prime, £4, 16s. Beeswax, 2s 6d, cargo, £4, 8s. Molasses, 4s 8d. Pork mess, £7, 4s. Rum, 7s 6d. A pound was $2.50, a shilling 12| cts, American flour was selling in France at from $15 to $20 per barrel, June 30, William McClement died, aged 28, July 20, The Bank of Albany commenced business in its new banking house in Market street, in the house ad joining the Mansion House on the south. The directors had made a call of forty dollars a share upon the stock holders, and the stock was quoted at 30 per cent.

July 24, The Cohoes Bridge was opened for passengers with horses and carriages.

Aug. 19. Jacob Kidney died, many years high constable of the city.

Aug. 20. John Bradstreet Schuyler died at Saratoga on the 19th Aug,, and was brought to Albany same day; and on the following day was interred in the vault of his brother-in-law, the Hon. S. Van Rensselaer.

Sept. 14, Henry Ten Eyck died. "He was a citizen much respected and esteemed, and in his death the public have sustained an irreparable loss,"

Sept. 15. Capt. John, one of the Oneida sachems, and the principal orator and public speaker of the nation, died and was interred in the Presbyterian cemetery. The de putation of chiefs and sachems of the Oneidas, then in this city, attended the funeral, and performed the solemnities thereof, according to the custom of their nation,

[174] Oct 1. Henry Wendell died, aged 63. He was formerly sheriff of the county of Albany, and many years a respectable inhabitant of the city.

Oct. 2. The state council appointed Abraham Yates jr., mayor of the city of Albany, and John Ostrander, sheriff of the city and county.

Oct. 11. Jonathan Shepherd died, and was buried in the Episcopalian burial ground.

Oct 12. Abram Powers, baker, died.

Nov. 2. It is noted that wheat, which had been 18s in New York and 16s 6d in Albany, is now 14s and its tendency downwards, owing to the abundance of the crops, and the agents of foreign countries having received orders to discontinue purchases for exportation; that potatoes were sold at 2s per bushel, and good mutton at 4£d and beef at 6d a pound. The Bank of Albany declared a dividend of 4 \ per cent on its capital stock, for the past 6 months. In the fall of 1795 a singular craft arrived at Albany on its way from Lake Erie to Philadelphia. It was a small schooner, called the White Fish, built at Presqu'Isle on Lake Erie by a couple of young men, and was 17 A feet keel, 5 feet 7 inches beam. They proceeded along Lake Erie to Niagara falls, 110 miles; passed the falls by land 10 miles, and sailed down Lake Ontario and up Oswego river, passing the falls in the latter by land, 1 mile ; through the Oneida lake, and up Wood creek ; from the latter to the Mohawk 1 mile by land; and down the Mohawk to Little falls, which were passed by land 1 mile; and the distance between Schenectady and Albany was also made by land. They proceeded down the Hudson, and by sea to the capes of Delaware ; and up the Delaware to Phila delphia The voyage occupied seven weeks, owing to the lateness of the season, it being the 10th Nov. when they reached Philadelphia, having made 947 miles, without chart or compass. The canals were in progress at this time for rendering the whole distance between Oneida lako and Albany navigable. The design of this voyage was a disinterested experiment to prove some of the great advan tages which might in future be derived from the speedy settlement about the new town of Erie.

[175] Nov. 7. The supreme court adjourned. The following convictions took place. Anthony Crane, petit larceny; Elisabeth Crane, his wife, grand larceny; Joseph Brown, petit larceny; Flora, a negro girl, grand larceny; Sam and Jack, negroes, for receiving stolen goods, knowing them to be such. They each, except Elisabeth Crane, received 39 lashes on the same day, and were discharged.

Nov. 16. The lighting of the city, says the Gazette, begins to assume a regular and pleasing appearance, and if the common council would permit to be lighted at the public expense, the lamps which our private citizens shall erect, (on their paying into the treasury money sufficient for the oil) our city, in this respect, would soon vie with the other principal cities and towns in the United States.

Dec. 14. Wheat in New York, 20s 6d ($2-56), in Al bany, 17s 6d ($2-18). The census of 1795 gives the following statement of the number of electors in the city and county of Albany. No. of electors in the city of Albany, 765. " county " 6,087. The electors consisted of those who possessed freeholds of the value of $250 : those who possessed freeholds of the value of $50 and under $250; those not possessed of free holds but who rented tenements of the yearly value of $5 ; and those who were freemen on the 14th day of October, 1775, and on the 20th day of April, 1777.


The following is a list of the towns and the number of electors in each at this time in this county.
Berne, 457
Coeymans, 359
Bethlehem, 388
Catskill, 363
Rensselaerville, . i.... 548
Coxsackie, 619
Watervliet, 600
Duanesburgh, 307
Schoharie, 436
Schenectady, 683
Freehold, 563
Albany, 765
The No of electors in Troy was 550. (This probably included Lansingburgh, as the latter place is not mentioned.)

[176] The whole No. of freeholders in the state in 1790 was 19,395; in 1795 they had increased to 36,338, having nearly doubled in the short space of five years. 817 free holders gave a senator. The tide of immigration had increased the western district so as to entitle it to 17 senators, while the southern district had 10, the middle 9, the eastern 8. The new census increased the number of sena tors from 24 to 44; and of assemblymen from 70 to 115. A writer in the Gazette of Feb. 5, 1796, writes from personal knowledge that at the election of 1738, which was hotly contested, 636 voted for assemblymen, and that at that time there were not 50 more electors in the whole district, then county of Albany (the manor excepted which held a separate poll of about 100 votes) comprising in '96 the counties of Albany, Columbia, Rensselaer, Washing, ton, Clinton, Saratoga, Schohary, Montgomery, Herkimer, Tioga, Otsego, Onondaga and Ontario. So that in 1738, the whole number of electors did not exceed 786, which had now increased to 37,026; being an increase in 60 years of more than 47 to 1.

It was announced that a new line of stages was esta blished between Albany and New York, which would start daily from each place.

Jan. John Clark and Reuben King advertise that they have contracted with the post office department to convey the mail and maintain a line of stages to run twice a week each way between Boston and Albany : that their stages will start from Boston every Monday and Tuesday, and arrive at Albany every fourth day, and will start from James McGourk's in Albany every Wednesday and Satur day morning and arrive at Boston in the same period of time; except the months of March and November, "and then the mail will go on horseback."

Feb. The stage fare to New York was $10. In the spring it was reduced to $6. An act passed the legislature at its session for this year, to enable the corporation of the city of Albany to supply the city with water by means of conduits.

An act for the encouragement of the Albany Glass Factory.

[ 177 ] An act authorizing the corporation to raise money to defray the expense of lighting the lamps and for the support of a night watch.

An act making alterations in the criminal law of this state, and for erecting state prisons, provided for the erec tion of a state prison at Albany.

The proprietors of the Glass works at this time were Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, John Sanders, Abraham Ten Eyck, Elkanah Watson, Frederick A. De Zeng, K. K. Van Rensselaer, Thomas Mather, Douw Fonda, Walter Coch ran, Samuel Mather. About this time they conceived the project of consolidating their establishment into a per manent manufacturing town, under the name of Hamilton. Materials were collected for building an octagon church, and a school house ; the ground was laid out into streets and house lots. The legislature exempted the company and their workmen from all taxation for five years, as a mode of encouragement.

A resolution passed the common council for enforcing the laws for paving Court street (Broadway) from the north end of that street to the site of Fort Orange; Pearl street from State street north ; Mark lane, now Exchange street ; Washington street from Nail street (Howard) south to Bass lane (Bleecker), and Maiden lane from Market to Lodge street.

March 23. The Rev. John B. Johnson became the col league of Rev. Dr. Bassett in the pastoral charge of the Dutch Reformed church, and so continued until 1802, when he resigned his call, and removed to Brooklyn, where he died. He is represented to have been unusually popu lar, and enjoyed the uninterrupted affection and confidence of his people, and the whole community. During his mi nistry very gratifying accessions were made to the church.

March 31. Ananias Piatt began to run aline of stages four times a day between Albany and Schenectady.

May 3. The Bank of Albany declared a dividend of 4^ per cent.

May 10. The consistory of the Dutch Reformed church appointed a committee consisting of Messrs. Beekman, Van Vechten, Van Rensselaer and Bleecker, to procure

[ 178 ] materials for the purpose of building a new church, the board making themselves responsible for their acts.

The streets in the city were still mostly unpaved, and the houses without numbers. The stores in State street were described as bearing a certain direction from the Dutch church.

May 31. A report was made at this time of the boats that passed the locks at Little falls, on the Mohawk during 13 days in May, viz: 17 boats to and from old Fort Schuyler, 22 Geneva, 8 Rotterdam and Oneida lake, 11 Fort Stanwix, 4 Cayuga lake, 4 Erie lake, 9 Niagara, 16 Upper Canada, 3 Fort Herkimer, 1 Bay Cauty, 2 Oneida lake, 6 Genesee, 3 Little falls, 6 Whitestown, 4 German flatts; total, 116; paying a toll of $219.

June 30. Abraham Yates, junior, mayor of the city, died, aged 73.

The Rev. Drs. Belknap and Morse arrived at Albany, on their return from a tour to the west. Dr. Morse delivered a sermon in the Presbyterian church, on Sunday, July 3.

The Gazette says that furs and peltries to the amount of more than $40,000 were received at this time by a single house, from one of the north western companies. The editor adds that it has an agreeable appearance, and bright ens up the faces of our old Indian traders, to see twenty or thirty wagon loads of fur at a time, coming into our city, and augurs favorably a return of the immensely rich Indian trade we once participated in.

July 8. Wheat had fallen to 12s a bushel, and it is said that 8s were taken at this time. The commissioners appointed to superintend the erec tion of the state prison at Albany, purchased a lot for the purpose in the north part of the city, adjoining the river, and advertised for proposals to furnish materials and build the same.

A Lansingburgh paper of Aug. 18, says. "A few years ago there was but one stage between this town and Albany. It was established and maintained at great expense by Mr. A. Piatt, and for a considerable time had little encouragement. He however persevered, and at this day, this mode [ 179 ] of travelling has so increased that twenty stages pass and repass daily between the neighboring towns of Lansingburgh, Troy, Waterford, and Albany, averaging more than 150 passengers per day.a proof of our growth and pros perity."

" With great pleasure we have noticed the success of the subscription, opened a few days since for erecting a Roman Catholic chapel in this city. It bespeaks the tole rant and liberal disposition of the country, to find our citizens of every persuasion emulous in assisting their Roman Catholic brethren with the means of building here a temple to the God of heaven, in which they can worship according to the dictates of their own consciences. The corporation unanimously resolved to present them with a piece of ground for the site of their church.".Gazette. Sept. 30. " The Presbyterian congregation in this city have given a call to Mr. David S. Bogart, of the city of New York, to become the pastor of their church, with a salary of a thousand dollars per annum. Their new brick church will be finished in two or three weeks. It is a handsome building, 64 feet by 76, eligibly situated in Washington street corner of Beaver. The inside of the church is in modern style, and the workmanship very ele gant.".Gazette. The above edifice is still standing, having been enlarged about 16 feet on its northern end, and the name of the street changed from Washington to South Pearl. The old church, was a wooden building, standing on the north east corner of Grand and Beaver streets, and was the first Presbyterian church in the city, under the charge of Mr. McDonald.

The Gazette remarks that the city never enjoyed more excellent health ; that there was scarcely a sick person in town.

The celerity with which the public mails are now trans mitted throughout the United States, says the Gazette, merits our particular notice. From Philadelphia to Albany, a distance of 260 miles, it is but 3 days.from Boston, it is 4; but from Savannah in Georgia, almost the extreme southern point in the Union, it is but 12 days [ 180 ] and newspapers from the latter city are received by the editors of the Gazette with as much regularity as from New York.

Assize of bread, 1 lb. 3 oz. for 6d.

Stage fare from Albany to Fort Schuyler, $2"50. From Albany to Whitestown, $3.

Advertisements for the sale of negroes, and rewards for runaway slaves, were at this time of every day occur rence. A sample is taken:
    " For Sale, a healthy Negro Wench, about 30 years of age, accustomed to all kinds of kitchen work. She has been a servant in a respectable family in this city for many years, and can be recommended for her honesty and good conduct. Also, her two male children, both in good health, one nearly three years of age, until he arrives at the age of 25 years. The other about 4 weeks old will be sold for life. Apply to the printers of the Albany Gazette. "
    To be Sold.A healthy active Negro Wench, in her 19th year.can be recommended for honesty and sobriety, and sold for no fault."
    "A Negro Wench, about 30 years of age, strong and hearty, for sale."

The names of the owners are never given, but reference is given to the printer.

Oct. 27. It was announced in the papers that there was " a balloon in the city of Albany, now nearly finished, of 54 feet in circumference, and with a machine for carry ing a car, which after ascending an immense distance in the air, will disengage itself from the balloon, and descend in a flame of fire to the earth, without receiving any injury. The subscribers to the above balloon, are informed that it will be raised on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 2 o'clock, from the hill above the jail."

Oct. 27. Gen. Cleveland of Connecticut, attended by a company of surveyors, arrived in the city from Ohio, where they had been employed during the summer in run ning the outlines of the Connecticut lands on lake Erie, and dividing them into townships. They explored the Cuyahoga, and made many curious discoveries. They demonstrated to the citizens, among other things, that the [ 181 ] * transportation of West India goods into that country by the way of Albany, could be done fifty per cent cheaper, and dry goods seventy-five per cent cheaper than from Phil adelphia by land to Fort Pitt and down the Ohio. " A hogshead of rum, for instance, will cost $187.50 delivered at Pittsburg on the Ohio from Philadelphia ; whereas four barrels, equal to a hogshead, can, even now, be transported from Albany to Detroit for $ 18.75 each, equal to $75 a hhd.* Detroit is upwards of a hundred miles from Cuya hoga river, but allowing for ascending the river, the car rying place of four miles, and descending the Muskingum into the Ohio at Marietta, it will more than justify the general¡s calculation." The editor of the Register here upon breaks forth into the following rhapsody : " What a boundless field this new source of wealth and commerce opens to the city of Albany ! Let any man contemplate a good map of our local position, and then extend his view northward to the 45th deg. of latitude, and westward to the Lake of the Woods,, and the vast link of inland seas, which connect an immense fertile region from lake to lake by a happy intercourse quite into the Hudson.and the most pleasing scene of happiness and industry will unfold itself to his imagination, and which in a few years must unfold itself to the great benefit of posterity. In short, it is clear that millions of people are destined to give and receive from this place their daily wants,.probably from the greatest portion of the intermediate country which lies between that vast chain of water and the Ohio and Missisippi. Such, happy sons of future Albany ! is your prospect and sucli most undoubtedly will be the reality.once the western canals are completed and the western regions populated."

Nov. 1. The public sale of the state lands, commonly called the Cayuga and Onondaga Reservations, was com menced by the surveyor-general at Wendell's hotel, in this 'city. The sale of the Cayuga tract was completed during the first week, at an average above six dollars per acre. * Great calculations were made about this time on the prospective facilities for the transportation of rum. 16

[ 182 ] Nov. 2. The house of John McDonald, printer and bookseller in State street, took fire and was burnt to the ground, by which he lost a complete set of printing materials, two presses, a large quantity of paper, and books, bound and in sheets.

A paper called the Chronicle is mentioned as being printed in Albany at this time.

The Presbyterian church, corner of Beaver and Pearl streets, was opened, when the Rev. Dr. Smith, president of Union College, delivered two discourses.

Volney, the celebrated traveler and philosopher, visited this city, on his way from the west to the southern states. The judiciary bill, which passed the legislature at its session this year, abolished capital punishments, except in cases of murder and treason. Corporeal punishment at the whipping post was also abolished about this time, complaints having become common of its abuse in frequent instances. Much was said in favor of imprisonment at labor, and of the feasibility of the plans adopted by the state of Pennsylvania, after the prisons of France.

The land purchased by the commissioners for buildinga prison contained 6 acres. It was " situated in the colonie, about three-fourths of a mile from the City Hall. Its bounds are the main road on the west, and the Hudson river on the east. The price paid was £5000 ($12,500).

This law was annulled the next year, and did not go into operation.

A musical concert was given by Miss Broadhurst, Messrs. Hewitt and Muller, consisting of 6 songs and 4 instrumental pieces, terminating with a ball, tickets $1. It was im mediately followed by the advent of a " male camel from the deserts of Arabia," who was probably the first of his species that penetrated this distant land.

Nov. John Jacob Beeckman, elder, advertised by order of the consistory, for proposals from carpenters and masons for the erection of a new Dutch church.

Nov. 27. The cartridges and other ammunition belong ing to the United States, which had for some years past been deposited in the public stores in Court street in this city, were on the 27th Nov., by order.-of the secretary of [ 183 ] war, shipped on board vessels, and sent to West Point, by Capt. Hudong.

Dec. The following statement of the buildings in this city was made from actual enumeration:
    701 dwelling houses,
    131 stores,
    68 store-houses,
    193 stables fronting streets and alleys,
    1093 buildings.
In the colonie of Watervliet, or Northern Liberties,
    162 dwelling houses,
    13 stores.

Computing 7 persons to each dwelling house, the city would contain 4907, and the liberties 1134 inhabitants; in total 6041.

Dec. 23 and 24. Friday and Saturday 23d and 24th Dec., were the coldest days remembered in this city for many years.
    Friday, Dec. 23, 1796. 14° below 0.
    Saturday Dec. 24, 1796, 18 " "
1797. State of the thermometer at 7 o'clock in the morning in the city.
    Sunday, Jan. 8, 1797, 17£ " «
    Monday, " 9, " 20 « "

Jan. 3. The legislature convened at the City Hall.

The editors of the Register complain of the difficulty of acquiring the minutes for publication, by which upwards of 2000 of their fellow citizens, who relied principally upon that paper for the news of the day were deprived of the timely knowledge of the proceedings of their representatives.

Jan. 10. The common council granted the sum of twenty shillings, ($2.50) to Barent De Rider, a carman, for being the first at a fire on the night previous, with a hogshead of water, and ten shillings ($1-25) to John Hyde, [ 184 ] for his being the second. The sum of $250 was awarded to any one who should discover an incendiary in attempt ing to fire any building in the city.

Feb. 14. A large number of the clergy and laity of the northern and western parts of the state, convened at Albany, and organized themselves into a society by the name of the Northern Missionary Society of the State of New York, the design of which was the propagation of the gos pel in the frontier settlements and among the Indian tribes of this and the neighboring states.

The bill to erect a public building in the city of Albany with a view of rendering it the permanent seat of govern ment passed both branches of the legislature, and became a law.

The house of assembly also passed a bill incorporating a company to open a canal round Niagara falls, with a grant of 6,000 acres of land in its immediate vicinity. The legislature having fixed the seat of government at Albany, the corporation of the city made them an offer of any unappropriated ground that might be chosen for the purpose of erecting the public buildings. The present site of the Capitol was chosen, and was thus described at that time. " It extends along the west side of the public square, from Deer street on the south, to Lion street on the north, which last is the main street by which the western country enters the city. On this ground the buildings have a direct view of State street, and the rows of stately edifices which adorn the sides of it, from its upper to its lower extremity. The prospect from this place is extensive and beautiful. It goes to the north, the east and the south till the summits of the distant mountains terminate it in the horizon. Hence the blue tops of the Catskill are seen mingling with the clouds, and the majestic Hudson winding between the islands below, till the lessen ing sails on its surface vanish to the eye ; and above till its curving margins hide the retreating waves in the neighbor hood of Troy. The village of Bath, and the fields and ridges on the opposite side of the river, teeming with vege tation in its fullest luxuriance, are parts of the picture here presented to charm the mind capable of relishing its [ 185 ] beauties. The cemetery immediately to the south, over spread with a sheet of verdure, and a wide, opening valley beyond it, through which a meandering rivulet runs to refresh the air, will forever afford free access to the cool ing zephyrs in the sultry season. The large vacant area in front will in no small degree contribute to the same end. It will no doubt be hereafter so improved as to ans wer, in the best possible manner, the purposes of health, pleasure, and other objects of public utility. It will be a little field for the taste and genius of artists in the science of elegance, to which a free scope will here unquestionably be given before much length of time has elapsed. Springs of the best water also break out about it in several places ; and plentifully yield that inestimable luxury of life, the want of which is so much lamented through the city in general. Behind lies that part of the city which is laid out into regular shapes, extended over a plain gently sloping to the morning sun. This, though not thickly settled as yet, can not remain many years without rivaling in business those parts which are now most valued on that account, and outshining them by the splendor of its im provements. Nothing is wanting to make it capable of receiving the last finish of art, in addition to the finest beauties of nature."

March 6. The assize of bread was "a loaf of good common tail flour to weigh 1 lb. 12 oz. for 6d.

May 30. The mayor laid the corner stone in the foundation of the state offices, which were begun to be erected on the corner of State and Lodge streets. They are now turned into a geological museum, in which are deposited the collections of the geologists who surveyed the state.

The post roads were extended by Congress, (fenong which were some extensions on the roads diverging from Albany. Among others, a new route from Lansingburgh by Waterford, Stillwater, Fort Edward, Whitehall, Fairhaven, to Rutland, in Vermont. Another from Lansing burgh, by Salem, Fairhaven, Vergennes, Bason-harbor Plattsburgh, to Champlain. From Schenectady, Ballston Springs and Glensbridge, to Sandy-hill.

[ 186 ] A report was published in the New York papers that the Albany Bank had failed on account of the great influx of counterfeits of its own bills. The bank at this time had been in operation five years, and to this day there had not been an instance of any of its bills having been counterfeited. It appears to have been managed with considerable ability, and in proportion to its capital possessed more specie than any bank in the country. The current price of its stock was from 45 to 50 per cent above par.

The seat of government having been fixed at Albany, and the governor, John Jay, authorized to hire a house for his accommodation, he took " Mr. James Caldwell's elegant house in State street" (No. 60).

Among the acts of the Legislature, having relation to the city of Albany, were the following.
    1. A law concerning the election of charter officers.
    12. To suspend the power of the commissioners for erecting a state prison in the county of Albany.
    31. An act for erecting a public building in the county of Albany, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
    71. An act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the stockholders of the Bank of Albany.
    72. An act to regulate buildings within certain limits of the city of Albany.
    73. An act to increase the number of firemen in the city of Albany.
    78. An act for constructing a road and establishing and erecting turnpikes between the city of Albany and the town of Schenectady.
    102. An act authorizing the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of Albany to raise a sum of money by tax for defraying the expense of lighting the lamps, and for the support of a night watch in the said city.

It is mentioned as an instance of remarkable dispatch, that Col. William Colbreath, sheriff of Herkimer, left this city on Sunday morning, (7th) on board a vessel for New York, and returned on Thursday (11th) afternoon; having in a little more than four days including a day and a half he was in New York, performed a journey of 330 miles.

[ 187 ] Aug. 4. The city was visited by an extensive conflagration, which swept down several streets, consuming ninety-six dwellings, and rendering houseless one hundred and fifty families of about one thousand persons. The fire originated in an old storehouse on the Middle Dock, in the rear of Montgomery street, and in its progress ex tended into and destroyed houses in Dock, Montgomery, Steuben, Market, Middle lane, Columbia, and Watervliet streets. It was the greatest calamity that had ever befallen the city.

Aug. 8. Wouter Knickerbakker, for many years a resident of Albany, died at Saratoga, aged 84 years and 9 months.

At a court of oyer and terminer held in the city during the first two weeks in September fourteen criminals were convicted and sentenced. The penalties for offences at this time will be gathered from the following:
   Isaac Robbins, convicted of passing a false receipt for money, imprisonment for life at hard labor.
   Simon Brant, passing two counterfeit quarter dollars, imprisonment for life at hard labor.
   Jacob, a negro slave, burglary, the same penalty.
   John Garrit, do do
   Isaac Van Doren, horse stealing, 7 years at hard labor.

Sept. 13. The Roman Catholic chapel corner stone was laid by Mr. Thomas Barry, who was a merchant at this time. The foundation, it is stated, was to be laid this season, and the church to be completed the following year. It occupied the site of the present church in Chapel street, then called Barrack street.

" Turnpikes. Notice is hereby given, that a book for receiving subscriptions for shares in the stock of the company established by virtue of an act entitled " An act for constructing a road and establishing and erecting turn pikes between the city of Albany and the town of Schenectady," will be opened on Tuesday the 23d inst., at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, at the dwelling house of James Van Ingen, in Pearl street, in the city of Albany, and will continue open every day, Sundays excepted, between the [ 188 ] hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon, until the fourth day of September next.
    John Vanderheyden.
    Killian K. Van Rensselaer.
    Sanders Lansing.
    Jas. Van Ingen,

Two brass field pieces, an ammunition wagon, and other requisite apparatus in complete order, were received from New York, for the use of the Albany Independent Artillery. They were cast by James Byers, of Springfield, Mass.

Fourteen house lots in the Upper Pasture, belonging to the consistory of the Dutch Church, were sold at auction at an average sum of $285 each. Five years previous the same class of lots sold at 1 5 to 30 dollars.

The paving of Court street was commenced.

Aug. 17. A collection in aid of the sufferers by the great fire was taken in the Dutch church, which amounted to £119 14s. ($298-50.)

The following were the members of assembly elect for this year, in the city and county of Albany, with the number of votes each received.
    Dirck Ten Broeck, 2345
    John H. Wendell, 1404
    John Prince, 1589
    Philip P. Schuyler,... 2010
    Joel Thompson, 1505
    A. N. Heermance, 1736
    Nathaniel Ogden, 2220
    Johan Jost Deitz, 1423
    Peter West, 1489
    Thomas E. Barker, . . . 1573

The total number of votes was 2647.

The senators for the Eastern district, including Albany, Saratoga, Clinton, Washington and Rensselaer counties, were Abraham Van Vechten, Anthony Ten Eyck, Ebenezer Clark, Zina Hitchcock, Jacobus Schermerhorn.

June 12. On Monday the corner stone of the Dutch church in North Pearl street was laid by Rev. John B. Johnson. At 5 o'clock p. m., a procession, composed of the consistory of the church, the clergy of the several con gregations, the mayor and corporation, and the judges of the supreme court and common pleas moved from the consistory room to the site of the new church. After [ 189 ] laying the corner stone, Mr. Johnson addressed the company assembled, in a short speech, and concluded the cere mony with prayer. The procession again formed, and returned to the consistory room, where they partook of a collation. The church was intended to be 1 16 feet by 70 ; the undertakers and architects, Messrs. Putnam and Hooker; contract price, $25,000.

July 3. The celebrated Dr. Perkins, inventor of the metallic tractors, made his appearance in the city, with a sufficiency of testimonials from physicians and others, of the efficacy of his instruments in " removing rheumatic pains, head aches, agues in the face, cramps, convulsions, and inflammatory swellings of the throat." They had their day.

Account current of receipts and expenditures for watch and lighting the city, for the years 1795, 1796 and 1797.
    1795. Oct. 31. Watchmen for one quarter, £98 12s
    257 gallons oil, . . 83 16 6d
    1796. Feb. 8. Watch one quarter 98 15
    Apr. 30. do 114 19
    July 26. do 113 15
    Aug. 1. Sundry night watch at jail 32 0 6
    10. 161J gallons oil,.. ... 67 15 10
    Oct. 4. A. Linn, cleaning and light ing lamps, 36 5 11 "
    22. Watchmen one quarter, .. 114 13 24. 74J gal. oil 36 4 9 Dec. 19. I07> gal. oil 47 16 1797. Jan. 18. Watchmen one quarter, . . 115 10 6
    Cleansing and lighting..
    lamps, 13 0 6
    Apr. 3. 155 gallons oil 67 3 0 19. Watchmen one quarter, . . 112 3
    May 24. E. Johnson, cleaning and lighting lamps, 18 5
    July 3. 190 galls, oil 48 0 6 " 11. W " 11. Watchmen 1 quarter, 113 11 0 " 18. A. Linn, cleaning and light ing lamps. 19 7 9

[190 ] Aug. 22. 353 galls, oil 141 11 Sept. 27. Spirits turpentine 14 17 9 " " Wood and candles and sweeping chimney for watch, 18 4 £1525 15s 6d Oct. 9. Bread, lib. 12oz. for 6d.

The receipts and expenditures of the city for the year ending the second week in October, were as follows : Oct. 11, 1796, Balance in the treasury, £1160 6s 5d - . " 9, 1797, Receipts into " 6868 7 J ' Expenditures, 7699 4 3 " " " Balance in the treasury, 329 9 2 \

Dec. 11. Albany Museum.—A museum is now established in this city, and is open for inspection at the corner of Green and Beaver streets, opposite Mr. Denniston's tavern, every day, Sundays excepted, from 9 o'clock in the morning, till 9 at night. It contains a number of living animals, and a great variety of other natural and artificial curiosities. Admittance 2s., Children Is. The highest price paid for curiosities of any kind.


Jan. 14. Han Joost, an Oneida warrior, died suddenly in the city on Sunday evening, Jan. 14. He distinguished himself as a volunteer under Gen. Gansevoort, during the siege of Fort Stanwix, in the revolutionary war, and com posed one of that gallant party, commanded by Col. Willett, who in a sortie carried destruction through the enemy's camp. After the siege was raised, he returned to his wondering countrymen, loaded with the spoils of the enemy, and covered with glory. .

The legislature passed "An act to establish a turnpike corporation for improving the road from the springs in Lebanon to the city of Albany."

The address of the citizens of Albany to the president of the United States, " solemnly pledging themselves in the most unequivocal manner, to sustain with energy the [191] 207 115 65 160 . 289 156 .. 192 52 107 302

Total No. votes, . . . . 2477 constituted authorities of our country against all the machinations of its enemies, whether foreign or domestic," was signed by 800 freeholders and electors, and transmit ted to the Hon. Mr. Glen, to be presented to the president. It is said that " only 20 or 30 declined signing it," of all the freeholders and electors in the city.

The votes for members for the city and county of Albany were as follows:
Albany, 1st ward, .... " 2d " " 3d "
Schenectady, 1st ward, " 2d " " 3d " '« 4th "

Watervliet, Dirk Ten Broek, and Jer. Lansingh, qf Albany, Joseph Shurtleff of Schenectady, Johan Jost Deitz of Bern, James Bill of Rensselaerville, Philip P. Schuyler, Watervliet, Andrew N. Heermance of Coxsackie, Prince Doty of Duanesburgh, and Thomas E. Barker of Freehold, were elected. "

The traveller and stranger notice two important and very pleasing improvements in our city within a very few years—the pavement of our streets and the number, neat ness and elegance of our public buildings and houses of entertainment. The building for public offices, the new Dutch and Presbyteria.i churches, the Tontine, (by Ana nias Piatt) City Tavern and Hotel, in a particular manner reflect credit on the taste and public spirit of our city."

Stephen Van Rensselaer of Albany was re-elected lieutenant-governor of the state, unanimously.

Sept. The first Catholic church in Albany was so far completed, as to require but a small contribution to dis charge the last payment of the contract. The citizens generally appear to have aided its funds with great liberality.

Oct. 3. On Wednesday, the 3d Oct., Eliphalet Nott was ordained to the work of the gospel ministry, and [ 192 ] installed pastor of the Presbyterian church, on the corner of south Pearl and Beaver street, then the only Presby terian church in the city. Dr. Smith (president of Union College?) preached the ordination sermon, 2 Cor. iv, 2, Several of the Dutch Reformed ministers joined in the imposition of hands.

Thomas Shipboy, formerly an eminent merchant in this city, died on Monday, Oct. 8, and was buried on the fol lowing day. He lived in the house next below the Ame rican hotel, now occupied as a confectionery store, with a modern front. He also did business and lived in the house 56 State street, afterwards occupied by Christian Miller.

Liberal contributions were made by the citizens for the benefit of the sufferers by the fever in New York, which raged in the fall of this year. At a collection taken at the Presbyterian church $200 were contributed, and $108 at the Episcopal church. The health committee acknow ledged the receipt of $417-55 from Rev. John Bassett of the Dutch Reformed church, being the balance of the collection made in this city, and 20 fat sheep from Dirk Ten Broek. Private donations to a large amount were also frequently acknowledged.

The expenses of the city for lamps and night watch, for the year ending 2d Tuesday in October, was £1172, 17s Id.

The new Dutch church in this city is completed. It is a superb and elegant building, finished in the most modern style, with two handsome domes or steeples. It is situated in Pearl street, at the intersection of Orange street, and takes the name of The North Church. The architects were Messrs. Putnam and Hooker ; the contract £10,000 ($25,000). The sale of the pews commenced on Monday last, when 82 were sold for $10,371, with a reservation of $418 annual rent. Several of the largest pews averaged from four to five hundred dollars. There remained 77 [pews] to be disposed of.

Continued for 1798-1805!

This Section covering 1790-98 has been copied and transformed from Annals

Beyond that, Munsell continued the "Notes" series to cover gleanings from Albany newspapers into the 1860s.
        What follows are links to some of them that were live (online) in July 2016. Whether we will be able to add them to our "Notes from the Newspapers" offerings beyond 1805 is beyond our comprehension at this time. What follows is presented in the spirit of accessibility. So, please accept and enjoy them if you can:

For 1822 to 1826, from AA, vol 8: click here

See also:

Vol I   ("Chronicle of events in Albany from 1847-48")

Vol II   ("Annals from 1849-50")

Vol III   ("Annals from 1850-51")

Vol IV   ("Annals from 1852")

For 1805-13: Vol V   ("Annals from 1853")

Vol VI   ("Notes from the Newspapers 1813-1818") ("Annals from 1854")

Vol VII   ("Notes from the Newspapers 1818-1822") ("Annals from 1855")

Vol VIII   ("Annals of the year 1856")

Vol IX   ("Annals of the year 1857")

Vol X   ("Annals of the year 1858")

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first posted 2/4/15; ongoing but last updated 10/8/16