Abraham H. Wendell


Abraham H. Wendell was born in June 1716. He was the last child born to the marriage of Harmanus and Anna Glen Wendell. He grew up in a trader's home on upper State Street but lost his father in 1731. He was called "Abraham H. Wendell" to prevent confusion with a number of same-named kinsmen.

In September 1740, he married Elizabeth Wendell at the Albany Dutch church. By 1753, the marriage had produced seven children who were christened in the Albany church where both parents were pewholders and occasional baptism sponsors. He lost his wife when Elizabeth died in 1757. He does not appear to have re-married.

These Wendells lived in a landmark home near that of his widowed mother on upper State Street. By 1756, he was a prominent merchant. Through the end of the century, his holdings were configured prominently on community surveys. He was a contractor of the city of Albany. However, he does not seem to have held any municipal offices. In 1790, his household included eight family members and three slaves.

At the outbreak of hostilities in 1775, he would have been almost sixty and too old to be expected to play an active role in the conflict. However, in 1777, he did sign an oath of secrecy. He contributed support to the American cause and later was accorded a land bounty right in conjunction with the Albany militia regiment. In 1779, he was called before the Commissioners for spreading false rumors about the British.

As late as 1797, he was still thought of as a merchant though he was seventy years old.

Abraham H. Wendell filed a will in April 1793. It named five living children and detailed extensive properties in Albany and beyond. He died in January 1800. His will passed probate in February.

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Abraham H. Wendell is CAP biography number 2740. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

first posted: 4/10/07