Catharina Van Vechten Bradt


Catharina Van Vechten was born in November 1711. She probably was the daughter of Albany-area residents Johannes and Maria Bogardus Van Vechten.

In January 1735, she married Albany native Bernardus Bradt at the Albany Dutch church. By 1750, seven Bradt children had been christened at the Albany church.

Catharina raised her family near the waterfront in the first ward where Bernardus was a transporter, contractor, and longtime ferryman. He probably died about 1780.

We seek more definitive information on Catharina Van Vechten Bradt's later life and passing.

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Catharina Van Vechten Bradt is CAP biography number 2397. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

first posted: 9/15/06