Encountered in a wide variety and seemingly endless array of spellings, the Albany Van Schelluyne family can be traced to the marriage of New Netherland notary Dirck and Cornelia Van Buren Van Schelluyne. Their descendants represented a consistently small presence in Albany for more than a century. However, only one Van Schelluyne-named household was listed on the Albany censuses in 1679 and 1697. Shoemaker and tanner Cornelis (1660-1728) and his wife Geertruy Visscher Roseboom were mainline Albany residents. He was the sole family member identified on the list of Albany freeholders taken in 1720. Only one of their six surviving offspring appear to have married nor raised families of their own. However, in 1742, a noteworthy five Van Schelluynes were named among the Albany freeholders living in the second ward. First born Dirck, was a prosperous and long-lived fur trader. In 1756, three family members were identified as city householders. At that time, the house of "Mrs. Scurloin" was occupied by a British officer. Cornelis Van Schelluyne stood out on the census of householders in 1790. In 1800 only the household of "Corns Vn Schurleyn" was configured on the city census . In 1815 - one named household (Dirck) was included in the city directory. notes
Name spellings: Here is a list of some of the more curious spellings of the surname. "Sirloin"; Although variable spellings of the name in historical records keeps this inventory from being complete, follow this link to more information on the family on this website. first posted 6/30/05; updated 4/5/13 |