Ryckie Van Schaick Lansing
Stefan Bielinski

Ryckie Van Schaick was born in December 1703. She was the daughter of Albany businessman Gosen and his wife Catharina Staats Van Schaick.

She was past her twenty-ninth birthday when she married the slightly younger, Albany-based fur trader Abraham Lansing in February 1732. Their only child was baptized in the Albany Dutch church two months later.

Ryckie Van Schaick Lansing's life was cut short when she died following the birth of her son. She was buried from the Dutch church on July 12, 1732. In 1746, her husband re-married and lived in Albany until his death in 1759.

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The short life of Ryckie Van Schaick Lansing is CAP biography number 4054. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

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first posted: 12/30/04