Cornelis Van Schie


According to traditional sources, Cornelis Van Schie was born in the Netherlands during the early 1700s (perhaps in 1703).

In June 1731, he was identified as a ministerial candidate from Leyden when he was called by the elders of the Pougkeepsie and Fishkill Reformed church.

In September 1732, he arrived in New York with his wife, Josina Prys (Price). By the end of the year, he had left Fishkill to serve as an assistant under the wide-ranging pastorate of Petrus Van Driessen at the Dutch church in Albany. He succeeded as domine following Van Driessen's death early in 1738.

Between 1734 and 1739, four of his children were buried from his Albany church.

For more than a decade, he ministered to his Albany congregation, to non member Albany residents, and to those of greater Albany County as well.

Cornelis Van Schie died in August 1744 and was buried from his Albany church. He had lived forty-one years. His widow left Albany two years later.

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Cornelis Van Schie is CAP biography number 6735. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

first posted: 8/10/07