Willem Gysbertse Vandenberghby
Willem Gysbertse was born during the 1650s. He was the son of Gysbert and Lysbeth Sagers Vandenbergh. He grew up along the Hudson near the northern edge of the settlement that became Albany in 1664. In 1674, he was among those invited to the funeral of Jeremias Van Rensselaer along with his father and brother. By the late 1670s, he had married Catharina Vanderpoel. By 1698, their eight children had been christened at the Albany Dutch church where both parents were members. Willem Gysbertse was a cartman who was identified as an Albany householder as early as 1679. This Albany mainstay lived in the third ward in Albany's North End. That moderately valued property appeared on city assessment rolls. He also owned a lot along Foxes Creek and another in Rensselaerswyck. Besides carrying and hauling (he was a licensed cartman who aspired to be Albany's official cartman), he derived income from his pastures. He served on Albany juries, as surveyor and inspector, and as constable in the third ward. In 1694, he was named "overseer of the King's Highway." Perhaps he was the "Wm. van der Bergh" who was named executor of the estate of his father-in-law in 1695. Willem Gysbertse Vandenbergh filed a will in March 1714. He was dead by August 1728 when his pasture land on Foxes Creek was mentioned at a common council meeting. The will passed probate in May 1733. notes
Sources: The life of Willem Gysbertse Vandenbergh is CAP biography number 5641. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.
first posted 7/20/05; recast and revised 2/18/14