by Stefan Bielinski Marcellus Jans (Marselis Jansen) came from Bommel in Gelderland, Holland. He was the founder of the Marselis family of early Albany. In February 1655, he was a Beverwyck tavern owner who was fined for being open on Sunday. In 1661, he was identified as a "corporal" and on the payroll of the West India Company. Beginning In 1677, he was paid an annual stipend as the Albany "rattle watchman." During the 1660s, 70s, and 80s, he acquired and traded numerous parcels of land in Albany and its hinterland. He also was a frequent litigant and witness before the Albany court. In 1697, his house was enumerated on the census of Albany householders. His wife was Anna Gerrits. In June of 1690, five of their children were named in his will. They took the surname "Marselis." In 1683, he was a member of the Albany Dutch church. Marcellus Jans Van Bommel was dead by 1700. His wife was alive when he filed his will in 1690. She was left total use of all of his estate during her lifetime. She lived in Albany for more than a decade afterwards. notes Sources: The life of Marcellus Jans Van Bommel is CAP biography number 731. This profile is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources. first posted: 8/30/02; revised 9/16/08 |