Elizabeth Van Buren Cooper


Albany wife Elizabeth Van Buren was born in January 1718. Christened at the Dutch church in Albany, she was a middle child in the large family of Pieter and Geertruy Vosburgh Van Buren of Kinderhook.

In Octobr 1742, she married Albany native Thomas Cooper at the Albany church. By 1748, the marriage had produced four children.

These Coopers began to raise their family in the home of a Southside tailor and among the households of other Cooper kin.

However, the marriage would not be a long one. Elizabeth Van Buren Cooper died in early September 1748. Her last child was christened on October 23. She had lived for just thirty years. By 1750, her husband had re-married. Tomas Cooper lived on in Albany until his passing in 1801.

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Elizabeth Van Buren Cooper is CAP biography number 2232. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

first posted 7/15/13; revised 12/21/13