Patrick Montieth


With his name spelled variously Patrick Montieth was listed on the census of Albany heads of households in 1790. At that time, a man, a boy, and two unspecified females were identified in that living unit.

Like other "Monteiths/Monteaths," he probably was of Scottish ancestry. We expect that he had some connection to Albany resident George Montieth and/or an association with the Monteaths of Schenectady. We seek defining information on his origins and path to Albany. Similarly named contemporaries are at-risk in North America.

In November 1795, a Patrick "Monteith" was buried from the Dutch church. However, his name does not seem to appear in the extant records of the Albany Presbytery where many newcomer Scots belonged.

Following our most recent sweep of Internet-based resources, we can point to no promising leads. Missing major life facts, we move on for now from the life of Albany resident Patrick Montieth.

biography in-progress - 2017


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Patrick Montieth has no CAP biography number. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

In 1791 and 1796, two Montieth women were married at the Dutch church. See also Monteath at HMGFM.

first posted 4/10/17; last updated 9/15/17