by Stefan Bielinski The La Grange family of early Albany and its hinterland is descended from Omi La Grange who came to New Netherland and became an early resident of Albany and the Normanskill. His many offspring included five sons who further established the family in Albany and beyond. His son, Omie Jr., lived in Albany for a time but re-located to Ulster County. Merchant Arie La Grange and skipper Jacobus La Grange were prominent city residents of the eighteenth century. In 1790, two La Grange named households were listed on the city census. But ten La Grange homes were listed in surrounding Watervliet. In 1815, three La Grange residences and "G. & C. La Grange" - merchants at 380 North Market Street were listed in the Albany City Directory. A hamlet once called "La Grangeville" and La Grange Road in the town of Bethlehem but probably not the Town of La Grange and Lagrangeville in Dutchess County commemorate this early Albany family. notes
first posted: 12/10/03 |