Anthony Lispenardby
Anthony Lispenard was born in Rochelle, France about 1640. He emigrated to New York in 1669. He was among the most prominent Huguenot residents of early Albany and greater New York. During the ensuing years, he settled in Albany where he was known as a baker and trader. Beginning in 1670, he was identified as a licensed baker in Albany. In 1679, his house was included on a census of Albany homeowners. In November 1681, his house was partly destroyed by fire and was torn down. He built at least another house in Albany and owned other pieces of property within the stockade as well. During the 1670s and 80s, he appeared regularly before the Albany court on a variety of matters and was an active participant in the Albany real estate market. He had married Abeltie (Abigail) Forge/Frese about 1671. Their children established the Lispenard family in colonial New York. He was an officer of the Albany Lutheran church as early as 1680. In 1674, he was among the notables invited to the funeral of Rensselaerswyck director Jeremias Van Rensselaer. During the 1680s, he served as a courier between New York and the French. By that time, he seems to have left Albany - perhaps for New York or New Rochelle. In January 1689, the Albany government commissioned him to serve as "Viewer of the Corn." Anthony Lispenard first filed a will in Albany in April 1685. He filed a second will in July 1696. He died in New Rochelle later that year. His widow may have survived for several decades.
The life of Anthony Lispenard is CAP biography number 8081.
This sketch is derived chiefly from
and community-based resources.
COMMISSION OF A VIEWER OF CORN, 1689: Whereas you, Anthony Lispenard, baker, are authorized and appointed by ye mayor and alderman of this citty, to be Viewer of Corne, when any difference or dispute shall arise; you are therefore hereby commissioned & empowered to diligently and faithfully discharge ye sd office of viewer justly and impartially according to ye best skill and ability, when thereunto required, for which you are to take and receive for each time you give your judgment 9d; that is to say, if ye corn be sound, clean and merchantable, of ye person ye was to receive ye same, but if oyrwise of ye person y' tendered ye delivery of ye same; and in ye doing and performing of which office according to your best judgment and conshience, in pursuance of the oath you have taken, this shall be your warrant. first posted: 4/25/06; revised 12/18/07