Abraham Jacobse Lansing


Abraham Jacobse Lansing was born in April 1720. He was the son of Albany mainstays Jacob G. and Helena Glen Lansing. His mother died in 1735 but his father may have survived until 1767. This Albany native mostly was known as "Abraham Jacobse Lansing" to avoid confusion with a number of same-named contemporaries. This individual was best known as the founder of the "New City" of Lansingburgh.

In 1744, he married Albany native Elizabeth Cooper at the Albany Dutch church. By 1762, eleven children had been christened in the church.

Initially, these Lansings made their home in Albany. In his early adulthood, he may have been known as an Indian trader.

During the 1760s, Abraham Ja. Lansing began to acquire land above Albany and on the eastern side of the Hudson River. By the 1770s, he had sub-divided his large farm which set the stage for the founding of Lansingburgh.

In May 1775, the name of "Abraham J. Lansingh" appeared on a list of members attending the regular meeting of the Albany Committee of Correspondence. It was the only reference to that person in the printed minutes covering three years. At that time, he seems to have been a leader of the American resistance in the eastern Albany region known as "Lansingburgh."

In July 1780, the Albany Commissioners were monitoring his activities as he was thought to be one of those living in "The New City" and who were disaffected. At that time, he was identified as a farmer and was required to post a bond of 500 pounds for his good behavior. He remained under suspicion throughout the life of the Board - being required to post bonds and even ordered to be apprehended.

Elizabeth Cooper Lansing filed a will in September 1780. At that time, she stated that she was a widow and that she had four living children. Her husband, this Abraham Jacobse Lansing, appears to have died before Elizabeth filed her will. We seek more definitive information his passing and on his Albany life in general.

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Abraham Jacobse Lansing is CAP biography number 3692. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

first posted: 8/15/09