by Stefan Bielinski Bartholomeus Pieterse Hoogeboom (Mees Pieterse) was born during the first half of the seventeenth century. In 1657, he appeared before the Court in Beverwyck to answer an assault charge. During the 1670s, he was known as the skipper and owner of a vessel that carried cargoes between Albany and New York. He was known in several ports along the Hudson River. Over several decades and on a range of matters, he was a litigant and witness at the Albany court house. By the 1680s, he had settled in Albany and owned a lot outside of the north gate. A decade later, his household was enumerated on the city census. His wife was named Catryn. The marriage produced several children. Perhaps his last son was baptized in December 1699 at the Albany Dutch church where Mees Hoogenboom was a member. Bartholomeus Pieterse Hoogeboom died in February 1703. His Albany property remained on the assessment roll as late as 1709. notes Sources: The life of Bartholomeus Pieterse Hoogeboom is CAP biography number 6450. We seek defining family-based information on his origins. This sketch is derived chiefly from community-based resources. The surname occurs in many spelling variations. first posted: 5/25/05 |