by Stefan Bielinski John Gilbert probably was born during the 1650s. He was of English ancestry. About 1684, he married Cornelia Vandenbergh. By 1697, three of their children had been baptized in the Albany Dutch church where both parents were members and occasional baptism sponsors. During the 1670s and 80s, court records identifed him as a soldier and a baker where he appeared frequently as a litigant and as attorney. As early as 1679, he was listed on a census of Albany householders. In 1681, court minutes revealed that he was in possession of the house of his deceased father-in-law located on the west side of Pearl Street - north of Maiden Lane. The Gilberts appear to have sold that property in 1685. In 1689, he was identified as a corporal among the soldiers on duty at the fort at Albany. Over three decades, his name appreared regularly on Albany rolls. In 1697, his household included five children. At that time, he was identified as "English." Two years later he joined his Albany neighbors in swearing allegiance to the king of England. In 1702, his second ward property was assessed comparable to the holdings of other production class residents. John Gilbert died in May 1707. His widow, "Cornelia," was listed on an Albany assessment roll for the second ward in 1709.
notes Sources: The life of John Gilbert is CAP biography number 5155. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources. We seek defining information on his origins and background. The "Gilbert" information drawn from HFGFM and presented online seems to refer to a different Gilbert line. first posted: 9/14/04; revised 8/18/10 |