Will of Jacob Beekman - 1738

the name of God, Amen, December 20, 1738. I, Jacob Beekman, of Albany, blacksmith, being weak in body.

I leave to my eldest son Hendrick, in right primogeniture, “ my Great Holland Gun.” I leave to my wife Deborah the use of all estate during her widowhood. After her death the whole estate to my sons Hendrick and Johanes, with my dwelling house and lot in the second ward in Albany, between the house and lot of Jan Male on the north and the lot of Hans Hansen on the south; Also 2 lots on Voson Kill, bounded east by Johanes Roseboom, Jr., and west by Abigail ver Planck, the other lot on said kill is bounded east by Hendrick Ten Eyck. They are to pay to my daughters Machtell, Effie, and Deborah, £50.

I make my wife and my son Hendrick and my brother Hans Hansen, executors.


Will probated June 12, 1746. Printed in Abstract of Wills volume 28, pp. 86-87. Witnesses were Abraham Lansing, Abraham Lansing, Jr., and Juryan Hogan. Paragraphing supplied!

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first posted: 2/15/04; updated 8/9/09