The First* Church in Albany

Engraved image of the Albany Dutch church in the middle of State and Market Streets

Dutch Reformed Church

Frequently used engraving of the church that sat in the middle of the intersection of State Street and Broadway until it was removed in 1806. It is most often remembered by the term "The First Church" in Albany. Virtually all of the known renderings of this building are based on this image of unknown origins.

'foggy' reminicent view of the waterfront church about 1717 The church was the largest Albany building in 1787 the church from upper State Street - early 1800s The church looking north from Court Street prior to its removal in 1806


While it may well have been the "first and certainly the foremost congregation in the city," it was not the first church building as at least two predecessors were Reformed houses of worship in Albany prior to 1715.

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first posted: 1999, recast and last revised 12/31/11