How and What I Learn - 2018

Pretty soon after I started studying the people of colonial Albany in what is still becoming an increasingly systematic (and at the same time flexible) way, I started to realize that we had embarked on a long hard journey to first identify, then comprehend, then understand, and then share what we could learn about each and all of the people of colonial Albany and their world.

From the beginning, we were able to spend almost five years mostly acquiring, assembling, and organizing our diverse and exhaustive trove of resources before being compelled to enter the realms of interpretation and history education thru programming.

Now, after more than thirty years of focused study, there seems to be almost no end to what is still out there that directly relates to the humanity-based story of the birth and growth of the community known as the city of Albany. In light of all this learning and thinking, I have become increasingly cautious as to what it all means.

On top of the pile, I do understand and believe, that whatever "finally" becomes of this web-based venture, more learning is out there and that every part of the website will ALWAYS (whatever that means) remain in-progress. Some might consider that truth frustrating and even sad. However, I think it's exciting and it certainly is motivating!

So moving forward with new and improved webpages, I strive to present the most comprehensive/aware and fairest representation possible on each topic or subject or note.

My goal at this time is to open a web-based exposition on every person, place, thing, source, and whatever else is/may be/seems relevant to the people of colonial Albany and their world (aka "the early Albany story!"). Most of the items that appear online are obvious and easily accessible. Others are not advertised, are more obscure, and less painlessly accessed. However, they have not escaped the notice of surfers all over the great wide open! At the same time, by placing notes, fragments, and outlines online a surprising number of people have contacted us with sources, leads, comments/criticisms, or other genres of thought, process, and presentation. These wonderful history contributors send us something virtually every day!

In conclusion (for now), what I'm saying here is that "The more I learn, the less I know I know" and that more-and-better appears to be out there on the "world wide highway" for any of us to find, evaluate, and then incorporate. Consider whatever you see anywhere here as an in-progress offering and certainly open to improvement. Incidentally, I now spend more than half of my time, incorporating new material into existing offerings, adjusting, and otherwise improving this long term venture.

Thanks again for your patience!

Stefan Bielinski
      Community Historian and website lifer


In this overall exposition, the words "I" and "we" are synonymous. In the recent past, and moving forward, website development has become more and more solitary and thus personal. However, I am troubled by my increasing use the personal pronoun. By "I", I mean to include the more than a thousand individual associates, interns, volunteers, colleagues, and well wishers who have supported the project over the years. If you are among them, I hope you can see and appreciate what your efforts are becoming. A "Thank You" in any form isn't even close to saying how much I have and continue to appreciate your support and inspiration!

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first shared: 5/11/10; last considered 4/20/18