Ryckie Roseboom


Ryckie Roseboom was born in October 1700. She was the daughter of Albany residents Hendrick and Debora Staats Roseboom. She grew up in a businessman's home in Albany's second ward.

In December 1743, she was forty-three when she married fifty-year-old Robert Roseboom at the Albany Dutch church. Probably because of her late marriage age, no children were christened in Albany churches. However, she was a church member and baptism sponsor.

These Rosebooms lived in the third ward where Robert was a businessman and officeholder.

His will, filed in 1746, named her as heir and executor. Her husband died in February 1764 and her name appeared on city assessment rolls in years following.

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Ryckie Roseboom is CAP biography number 1953. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

first posted: 10/10/06