William Parker


William Parker probably was born about 1620. Because he most likely was of English origins, his name occurs with various spellings ("Perruker") in the Albany community-based record.

Perhaps he came to America as a soldier as he was a member of the garrison at the Albany fort. A number of his Albany contacts were associated with the English military presence in New York. For a time, he worked for Albany "secretary" Robert Livingston.

By 1669, he was living in Albany where he was known as "sergaent," "captain," "deputy," and as a lotholder. The Albany court records for those years closely chronicle his real estate-related activities and court related business. He was a frequent litigant during the 1680s. Curiously, his name was absent from a census of Albany householders taken in 1679.

About that time, he acknowledged that he was in debt to John Pynchon of Massachusetts and promised to pay in beavers.

His wife was named Maria. The marriage produced at least two children. Both partners were members of the Albany Dutch church.

In 1667, he first received a patent from Governor Nicolls for a lot in Albany. He owned a house and lot on "the hill" in Albany and was involved in a number of Albany property sales. He also held at least a lot in what later became the Westenhook Patent.

During the first decades of English rule under the Duke of York, he was mentioned in Albany records as the tax collector, court messenger, and also as one licensed to trade strong liquors to the Indians.

According to the court records, William Parker died on March 10, 1684. He left no will and his wife seems to have not been alive at that time. He was the father of city marshall James Parker.

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of William Parker is CAP biography number 8567. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

first posted: 4/3/09