Maria De Garmo Egberts
Stefan Bielinski

Maria De Garmo was born in May 1686. She was the daughter of Albany-based French fur trader Pierre De Garmo and his wife, Albany native Caatje Vanderheyden De Garmo.

In August 1704, she married Barent Egbertse at the Albany home of her grandmother. Four months later, the first of her six children were baptized at the Albany Dutch church.

These Albany mainliners were of modest means and lived in the first ward.

Maria De Garmo Egberts died in January 1725 less than four months after giving birth to her sixth child. Two years later, her husband re-married and lived until 1752.

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Maria De Garmo Egberts is CAP biography number 484. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

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first posted: 3/20/04