Elizabeth Barnes Caldwell


Elizabeth Barnes was born in 1746. According to family based sources, she was the daughter of Dublin businessman William Barnes who brought his family to Philadelphia probably at some time following Elizabeth's birth.

In May 1774, she was twenty-eight when she wed Ulster countryman James Caldwell. The marriage may have produced twelve children who appear to have been born in Albany between 1775 and the 1790s. These Caldwells were members of the Albany Presbyterian church.

At the time of the marriage, Caldwell already had established a business foothold in Albany. The couple raised their family in a merchant's home on State Street while Caldwell continued to acquire property in the city, its hinterland, and beyond.

At some time after 1800, Caldwell relocated to his property at the head of Lake George and established a village there first called "Caldwell" and now, Lake George Village. For a time, their son, William, was left in charge of family business centered in Albany.

While still maintaining their Albany home, the Caldwells passed most of the remainder of their lives in the village that first bore their name.

James Caldwell filed a will in 1825. It named Elizabeth, their two living children, and the children of the deceased children as heirs. His overall estate was divided into twelve equal parts.

Elizabeth Barnes Caldwell died in July 1827 at the age of seventy-three. Her husband passed two years later. They were entombed in a vault at the city cemetery. Later, they were transferred to the family plot Caldwell established in Caldwell (Lake George).

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Elizabeth Barnes Caldwell is CAP biography number 7810. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

first posted: 9/20/11