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Grave stone of Col. Henry Bloom under whom
Captain John Bassett served

Captain John Bassett

Lived: Birth (unknown), Death: December, 30, 1813

Hometown: Sempronius, Cayuga County, New York

Battles: Niagara Frontier

John Bassett of Cayuga County, New York, served from 1809-1813 as Captain in the 1st Regiment New York Detached Militia under Lieutenant Colonel Henry Bloom. Bassett died on the Niagara Frontier on December 30, 1813, following the capture of Fort Niagara by the British on December 19, 1813. Captain Bassett was also a founding member of the Powers Library in Moravia (opened March 13, 1813), the oldest continuously occupied Free Association Library building in New York State. A young Millard Fillmore (13th President of the United States) may have used this library.

Captain Bassett is a direct descendant of William and Elizabeth Bassett of the ship named the Fortune which landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts on November 9, 1620.

Captain Bassett's widow, Eunice, remarried twice. First to Samuel Love and then to Nathaniel Fillmore, the father of President Millard Fillmore. She became the first step-mother to a President serving in the White House.

SUBMITTED BY: David Morton of Manlius, New York, and the great4-grandson of Captain John Bassett.