Presenting the Past

Events are free and open to the public


May 8, 2004 (Saturday)
Meet the People of Colonial Albany
The Desmond Hotel and Conference Center
American History Day
sponsored by
Upstate New York American History Education Alliance

for information, contact:
Project Coordinator Henry E. Mueller.

May 19, 2004 (Wednesday)
The People of Colonial Albany Live Here Website
A Worldwide Local History Tour
12:00 noon
Meeting Rooms A & B
State Education Building, Washington Avenue

August 17, 2004 (Tuesday)
"Enemies of Liberty"
An afternoon with early Albany's Loyalists and Tories and the Women who Loved Them!"
12:00 noon
Museum Theater
Cultural Education Center

October 6, 2004 (Wednesday)
Meet the People of Colonial Albany
and the
members of the Albany Lodge
8:00 pm
Albany Masonic Temple
67 Corning Place, Albany
sponsored by:
Ineffable & Sublime Grand Lodge of Perfection

programs presented in 2003

To plan an event with the Colonial Albany Social History Project, contact Stefan Bielinski.

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Enemies of Liberty: Life in wartime Albany through the eyes of those who did not support the American Revolution. An illustrated exploration of the experiences of diverse men, women, and children whose beliefs made an already "long and lonely winter" even more unbearable!

last updated 10/1/05