Samuel Kneeland


In 1800, one Samuel Kneeland was identified as the head and only occupant of a household in the first ward of Albany. According to that census, he was born between 1756 and 1774.

Perhaps the origins and birth date of this city resident Samuel Kneeland can be traced to New England where several beginnings are plausible. Additionally, a number of same and similarly named contemporaries further complicate our ambition of comprehending his life.

Did this individual marry twenty-two-year-old Naomi Bliss of Springfield, Massachusetts in 1787? We have not encountered his family in the surviving records of early Albany churches.

Was he the Revolutionary War drummer (and NYS pensioner) who was buried in Geneseo, New York in February 1828?

Aside from the census of 1800, we have not yet encountered this individual in our community based archive of information nor in our most recent sweep of Internet-based resources. With so many basic questions unanswered on the life of this Samuel Kneeland we move on or now!

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Albany householder Samuel Kneeland has no CAP biography number. At this point, this sketch has not been derived from family and community-based resources. In fact, the sole resource encountered to date is his lonesome listing on the 1800 census of first ward householders.

first posted 3/10/15; updated 6/12/15