Hendrickie Hilton Hallenbeck


Hendrickie Hilton was born in May 1730. She was the daughter of Richard and Maria Bennewe Hilton. She grew up as a middle child in the first ward home of a long-lived Albany carpenter close to the residences of a number of Hilton kin.

By early 1753, she had become the first wife of her neighbor Albany native Daniel Hallenbeck. Their children were christened at the Albany Dutch church in 1753 and in June 1755.

These Hallenbecks began to raise their family in close proximity to first ward mainliners the Hiltons and the Hallenbecks.

Their marriage, however, would not be a long one as "Hendrikje wife of Daniel Hallenbeck" was buried in the churchyard in September of 1755. By the end of the decade, her husband had remarried and filled out his family with more children.

biography in-progress


the people of colonial Albany Sources: The life of Hendrickie Hilton Hallenbeck has no CAP biography number. This sketch is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

first posted 8/10/15; updated 1/20/16