Margarita Cuyler Ten Broeck
Stefan Bielinski

Margarita Cuyler was born in 1692. She was the eldest daughter of the ten children born to Albany trader Abraham Cuyler and his wife, Albany native Catharina Bleecker Cuyler.

In November 1714, she married trader Dirck Ten Broeck. Between 1715 and 1738, she gave birth to twelve children who were baptized in the Albany Dutch church where both parents were members and frequent baptism sponsors.

These Ten Broecks lived in the third ward in a house near the northern wall of the Albany stockade. Well-born Dirck Ten Broeck rose to wealth and recognition culminating in his election to the provincial Assembly and appointment as mayor of Albany in 1746. His success supported the marriages of Margarita's children into the best regional families.

Still with young children, Margarita was left alone in January 1751 when Dirck Ten Broeck died at age sixty-four. She was named co-executor of his substantial estate and left use of his property during her lifetime.

Also inheriting property from the Cuylers, Margarita carried on with some of her late husband's enterprises until her son, Abraham, came of age later in the decade. In 1756, she was the matriarch of a large Albany family. A decade later, she still was taxed as an active business person.

Now in her seventies, the widow Margarita Cuyler lived through the era of the American Revolution - perhaps she was cared for by her married daughters who had returned to Albany as refugees.

Past her eightieth birthday, Margarita Cuyler Ten Broeck died in May 1783 and was buried from the Dutch church.



the people of colonial Albany The life of Margarita Cuyler Ten Broeck is CAP biography number 591. This profile is derived chiefly from family and community-based resources.

Margarita's seven surviving children married members of the Livingston, Groesbeek, Ten Eyck, Lansing, Van Rensselaer, and Douw families.

These business activities included land management, lumbering, and flour bolting.

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first posted 2/25/02; last revised 3/27/18